Pride x Infinity Squared = Love, was the working title as I built this painting up, layer by layer, medium by medium. An aerial view, of us, the viewer, hovering over the two figures… 2 people as they float face to face embracing in water, contemplating leaning in to kiss. They are the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character, hence the essence of being, their being complete in a sort of mobius strip configuration, of pure energy, infinite.
Today, everyone has their pronouns, especially from our youths, in their teens & 20’s it’s commanded, it’s demanded, it’s decided, at least for today. That so stated I declare myself a ‘Queer af Thon’, air quotes intended, which is to say that’s for me to decide, but expect the unexpected with a dash of the obscure ‘That One’ or ‘The One’. But back in my day or rather my youth, I remember, upon months before my first marriage to a woman, that my soon to be father in law , that is to say, her father sent us to a seminar, in our teens, that was to help us grow into successful, productive & happy adults. (*note-I was to marry another female before deciding on the male, whom my life partner was to be. All, persons were aware of my ‘more queer nature’.) I recall the speaker working his way around to me and asking, “who are you, what do you see yourself doing & being in 5 years?” I , of course had heard the multitude of rather hopeful but dry answers from other male & female participants in the audience. With that, I stood tall, firm and with a bit of a tone & an attitude and stated, “I AM” and sat back down. The speaker asked for me to elaborate, again I stood and repeated, “I AM” sat down, as he soon moved on, me unmoved.
So let me explain what I meant & mean, "I Am that I Am" let me repeat "I am who I am", "I will become what I choose to become", "I am what I am", "I will be what I will be", "I create what(ever) I create", and "I am the Existing One", which is for me to decide on my own terms, in my own time, transcendent, of all else, without need to justify, so long as no one gets hurt, intentionally.
After watching a coming of age LGBTQIA film where 2 youths discover who they are and fall in love, I was inspired to paint this piece, So I began by drawing the figures in water. Then began the layering of acrylic paint…iridescent & interference colors adding as a 3rd & 4th layer. Adding oil paint I began to block in the shapes, then using my ebony pencil added some relevant to the theme symbols and words, continuing with more oil paints, oil pastel, 18k gold paint, until finally using charcoal to add high contrast/dissolve and my signature 18k gold leaf, my vision was complete. This being the ambiguous & androgenous nature of the figures in love, as they embrace. As their gender, sexuality & identity was self defined & secondary to love, with the only thing needed from the outside world, being acknowledgement & acceptance, without judgement, criticism or reason, unconditionally. So I dare you, put yourself in the painting, we are all these 2 person’s, searching, in love, when that person that completes us, our mate is found. This “IS-FREEDOM” & self evident, our right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" as so phrased in the United States Declaration of Independence & have a Happy 4th of July, 2022.
Your comments & questions are welcome, Richard
‘ESSENCE” 30”x30” mixed media