Hours before & during my waking moments of the morning, I’m most often painting in my head, planning an approach to something I’m working on or will soon be working on, as well as thinking about the next several pieces I intend on doing, visualizing there completion. Among them, I see interiors, buildings, people, animals, vast land & seascapes, plus abstractions nano & blown up, but reduced to design elements connected. Recently I noticed, after posting a newly completed abstract and a seascape I had done the previous year…that the language & messages were very similar, regardless of their abstract or representational leanings. It’s been a revelation to find that what my intentions are & have been reflected in my artwork, as well… as I narrow in on my abstract realistic aesthetic fusion goals.
I paint my life, as I experience it. I’m not merely an abstract painter or a land, sea or cityscape one or even a figurative one for that matter. The internal as well as the external mechanisms engage and compel me to paint my life, how I think, feel it, how I experience it and how I live it…my paintings are a diary, a catalogue and a chronology of happenings. Like the ripples on water when a rock is skipped across it, so are the echoes of life connected by atoms, not separated, but similar, the same, kinetic energy. Fractals, In mathematics, a fractal is a geometric shape containing detailed structure at arbitrarily small scales, usually having a fractal dimension strictly exceeding the topological dimension. Many fractals appear similar at various scales, as illustrated in successive magnifications of the Mandelbrot set. Life a series of patterns within patterns, within patterns onto themselves from the largest to the smallest in all things…telescopic to microscopic these patterns exist on all levels & aspects…chaos changes the patterns, thus outcomes, sometimes subtly other times not so much, as it, we all change, grow & evolve..
It’s not the first or even the second time I’ve raised and spoke about these ideas. They’re are significant and so important to me in so many ways, some I’ve illustrated now and others in the past. By design, like an artwork, our being & collective consciousness are but echoes of a single entity…life, the universe & everything. Like a Phoenix rising from ashes, so it is every time I paint, an opportunity to fly, to create anew, still the patterns & rhythms echo supremely throughout, from me to you, as one expressing our unique sameness unbridled. Hope you enjoy these 2 works and see the echo & synchronicity that occurred and that have appeared and so it goes, life.
peace, love & light Richard
‘The Prettiest Star’ 30”x30” mixed media abstract
New Day 30"x30" oil representational