A client at Proud Fox Gallery & Frame Shop asked the owner if he knew anyone who could do a commission artwork of this business card. Her son had taken it and the negative was sent off to a company that used it for their 2014 calendar, but lost the file. The problem being the only image left was the magnet with the company name & a full years calendar over the image. He asked me and several other house artists, sending images of our work to the potential client. Sunsets & sunrises are always on my to paint list, as I love the dramatic colors…hence I wanted to paint it as well.
Why,? Like most, but, on one such day, a spectacular color & light show, blues & oranges, violets & yellows, plus greens...just after an evenings storm & then the morning comes with a brilliant greeting all its own. I begin & end my days walking with the pups, a 1/2 hour or so, after the sun begins to shed light for the day and as it begins to set for the day. Everyday is different and they all have their own unique possibilities, charms & challenges...just being there for it all, capturing a visual memory, a photo, a painting.
With a 36”x24” stretched canvas and I was ready to paint. Initially I thought to be direct and paint it more realistic in the colors most others would see. Quickly I switched gears thinking that’s not what I do. I see colors unseen and use texture to create movement, so the end end result is an emotion based one, as I assumed was the persons attraction. A physical, a mental and emotionally sensory reaction that I was sure I could enhance & heighten.
Once the initial approach is in my head, I set out to paint, a plein air approach from a photo. This meaning I work very quickly in an impressionistic way., more spontaneous, intuitive & direct. My palette here is lemon yellow, cad yellow light, cad orange, vermillion, manganese blue, indigo blue, prussian blue, sap green, olive green, raw umber, gray of gray, mineral violet, & magenta, of course titanium white. Tools used where a #12 round, #8,10, &12 flat, & a # 10 filbert brushes, 3 different types of palette knives, a sculpting tool for doing sgraffito, a makeup liner & tissues.
Upon completion, it received rave reviews to my surprise and joy. 1 such commentor Shannon M. even said, “Beautiful, reminds me of Turner!.” Which was especially nice to hear, as artist J.M.W. Turner was perhaps the first to merge representational into abstract forms in a painting & he’s a favorite of mine. Then it was delivered to the gallery and unveiled for the client. A text message received, “She Loves it.” I couldn’t been more pleased & happy, but then another message & image was sent. “She would like a painting of this scene”, and I realized I had another commission. She had taken 5 photos of Como Italy, but none were a great photo, so she wanted it turned into a painting, creating a happy time image. For a painter, that welcome news and it doesn’t get any better…I was thrilled.
Thanks to all my supporters, patrons & collectors.
Your questions & comments are welcome,
Evening Glow 36”x24” oil on canvas
COMO, 30”x24” oil on canvas