STAND WITH UKRAINE-Fundraiser-April 2022 SOLD for Donation
Sunflowers symbolise loyalty & adoration. The sunflower (or “soniashnyk”) is Ukraine's national flower and has been grown on its central and eastern steppes since the middle of the 18th century. In a matter of weeks, the sunflower has become a worldwide symbol of support for the Ukraine.
At the bottom in green, is a map of the country of Ukraine. Each of the sunflowers within it, symbolize the Ukranian people in the most populated areas of the Ukraine. The area with the most sunflowers is the capital city of Kyiv, that has taken some of the heaviest shelling, and where an artist friend was in hospital when it all began. He has been fighting for his life since. The single sunflower symbolizes Volodymyr Zelenskyy, its most brave & courageous president, standing his ground and leading his people.
It will be available at Proud Fox Gallery & Frame Shop, Geneva Illinois where during the month of April 2022, a dozen or so of its artists, George Bruce, Kyle Buckland, Michael Cane, David Hettinger, Errol Jacobson, Don & Ellen Ljung, Maureen McKee, Brian Sauerland, Stephanie Weidner, Randy Willis, William Worcester & myself, will be making a stand and offering our artworks as support of the Ukraine. Proceeds from the event, will be donated to UNICEF USA, Children's Fund, that is on the ground in eastern Ukraine ramping up assistance for children & their families.
I have several friends & artist friends from or in the Ukraine. 1, artist friend, that was having difficulty getting in hospital. e.m. care for his severe internal bleed, a non war related issue, as they are understaffed and overrun with causalities. Not, only am I seeing photos of the horrors of war and the carnage, but even more so, images of the brave & iconic, are showing up all over my social media links, of people of all ages & backgrounds in the Ukraine's struggle, patriotism, & devastation, those including their presidents bravery as a leader… a true leader in effort to maintain their freedom, from the grasp of a tyrant.
That so stated, my neighbors of 26, years are Russian. I worked with their daughter, my friend, many years ago. I have several artists friends that are Russian & have 1 of their artworks in my home. I know several Russian gay men, 1 an acquaintance, that escaped the gay hunters in Russia during the Obama presidency, asking & taking asylum here in the U.SA. and several others still living under severe oppression in Russia, with severe and often life threatening penalties. My Russian friends, some here in the states, are worried about their families and are sharing pictures and videos of the Russian peoples attempts to stand up against their current government, this, including Russian military personnel, not wanting to fight against their neighbors, their family and their friends, in favor of peace & freedom for all, so it is also their well being that is also in my thoughts.
My friend Ilya, with the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia, reflects what all my Russian friends here in the U.S.A. and abroad are feeling & conveying, please remember this.. He stated, ”…sick of pride, ambition, and vanity, cannot fight us. We must not give in to hating each other! Through love we overcome evil.” We, the people of the world must be united in our support to both the Ukrainian people & encourage the Russian population that's trying to stop its government from continuing down this war path. Remember this, Putin, the Russian government and its blind followers are the threat, not the majority of it's civilian persons.
Further details at
Proud Fox Gallery & Frame Shop
213 W. State St Geneva Il. 60134
As always, thanks for your support , your questions & comments are welcome,
'Stand With Ukraine’ 16”x40” oil SOLD/Donation
Color Study #114 'Let the Sunshine’ 12”x12” oil