FUBAR~ The neighborhood, has an unpresidented number of flags flying, mostly the American, a on rare occasion a Trump flag. The olympics are just over so now a 2024 National Champions, & Chicago ones are out too, as well as some PRIDE flags. I walk the neighborhood and parks often and have noticed another about a block away. Its hung on a flag pole off their front porch and its seen better days, it’s shredded and flapping its battled scarred fabric in the wind. Thing is it was never carried in battle, nor do I believe the person is unaware of its condition. No, I think they’re making a statement about the current state of the USA. Yes, its a sad state of affairs when a former president has been allowed to try and overthrow his government, when he’s toppled the rule of law and tipped the balance of power in a dangerous way, and thus far is getting away with it. The standard protocol for dealing with an American flag is this condition is to burn it and replace it. I bought them a new one and left it in a gift box on their porch stating only this, in a brief note, “ I see that your, tattered and torn ensign still flies. Let this gift be a symbol of hope and its glory continue to be restored. Your neighbor” and I can only hope and wait that this is true and the outcome is blue wave.
I cannot wait for the time when I can get back to just posting my art, positive vibes & other beautiful things. The last 8-9 years with a certain person creating chaos and wreaking havoc every time he opens his mouth and everywhere he goes, has made it near impossible to go about life in that manner. While many are sitting on the sidelines and not speaking up or out, I simply cannot, it's unconscionable for me to even consider, regardless of the repercussions. With that said, I'll be brief, direct and as to the point as I can be. I don't want to be rude, insulting or demeaning to anyone here and believe me when I say, I would fight for your rights and freedoms, as I have always had to fight for mine, just so long as those rights don't inflict, impose, impinge or hurt anyone else's, beliefs, rights or free will. I'd like you to look closely at these flags and understand what they symbolize & represent, it should be obvious to most of us. A history will be written about the times we've been living in, over the next 25, 50-100 + years, and the question will be, where was your alliance and which flag will you have stood beside? The flag on the left stands for "We the people...", all the USes, “a beautiful mosaic”, former president Jimmy Carter states, that represents all the people of the United States of America. The flags on the right, Trump, Hitler, Putin, & Davis, are of a more threatening & sinister background, intent and mission, it's about the Me's. They’re usually driven by a calculated maniputlation to power & money, led by a few, a cabal or oligarchy of sorts, and followed by a group who haven't quite realized they're merely pawns in that quest & game, of serving those few. I stand with and by the American Flag on the left and everything it stands for, the USes, the WE, in We the people... It's an awful lot of work, to have a balance of power and scale of justice, but it serves & strives to be a fair and just nation, for all its people. I believe in us all, even at times when it’s so very difficult, difficult because it seems at times, we're not seeing or meeting each other's needs, WE need to see the me in you or you in me, that makes the USes. So please let's try harder to see and work for each other’s well-being. Vote your conscience, but understand who you vote for, the flag you stand with, and the outcome will have either a profoundly good one for all or a seriously negative one for most of us. Thus far, America has always been great! That's it, it's all I've got. Let freedom ring and let love guide us.
The United States of America is a Republic.
What is the difference between Republican and democracy?
By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. Although these forms of government are often confused, they are quite different.
First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me.
By Martin Niemöller
I had decided to paint the neighbors flag, as its hung as a reminder and record of current events & happenings. Art should reflect in someway the times it was created. I had a pad of 9”x12” linen oil painting paper and decided to translate it there, using ebony pencil & oil paint. I left it raw & incomplete, as a message of hope and our ability to rebuild.
As always your thoughts & questions are welcome,
Thy Nieghbor 9"x12" oil
History will record which you stood by.