It doesn’t take much to inspire me to paint and translate my emotions into a visual. Sometimes a Fb friend posts something and I feel I must paint it. Sometimes from words, other times a photo
The Lower Falls at Yellowstone, as translated from a FB friends photo.
Beautiful! ...and somewhat erotic! I love it!
Me ~Al H interesting you say that. while I see the more obvious...early this year after the Dali exhibit...I had intended on doing a more surrealist piece entitled 'Gulliver posing in a sea of men' ...the more figurative & surrealist stuff I did in my teens & 20's...after months of reconsideration I decided to shelf it for now, as it's not really what I do these days...however I decided to incorporate it in to the falls in this piece..thank you.
I’ve been to most of the continental United States, however the northwest states have eluded my travels. I’ve always wanted to see Yellowstone and many of the other National Parks, but have yet to do the more grand ones. I’ve always liked the Albert Bierstadt and his more illustrated approach, near photographic paintings with atmosphere. When I saw a photo posted by an FB friend of the Lower Falls there, I was compelled to break out the paints and go to it my way.
It was a pretty dramatic scene in which I’d have to edit & enhance to create a more impressionistic take on the scene,, less branches on the edges and more rock platform in the foreground.. Once the image was in my head I went to work very quickly with brushes, palette knives, scratching tools & paint. What was transposed was more happy place where we the viewer are on the platform looking through the window made of branches. So here it is for your consideration…
I usually carry sketch pad and small painting panels when I travel , plus take lots of phot references for studio work. If you have a special place or moment in a photograph that you’d like translated into paint, message me, I love doing commissioned artworks too.
A Separate Peace 30”x40” oil on canvas
The Process~‘A Separate Peace’ 30”x40” oil
A Separate Peace 30”x40” oil on canvas