It was a happy 1st Day of Fall, September 22, 2021~ Just days earlier the Harvest Moon had appeared, September 19, 2021 from ferry leaving Martha's Vineyard. We had boarded the Steamship Authority Ferry leaving Martha’s Vineyard, after a beautiful day of exploring it for the first time. When we were about 2 miles out, as the sun began to set for the day. I had got out on deck to search for some photo opts. I had been thinking, sunset over the ocean, the vineyard, when low and behold, there it was, over my shoulder. It was Sunday the 109th and the Harvest Moon had begun to rise. Luckily I had my camera with me and captured a beautiful scene of the the moon rising near an edge of the Island, one which had homes & a lighthouse atop the bluff. When I got back home, it was the first painting I created on a large canvas. Here’s the thoughts, approach & results…enjoy.
We had got back home, a couple days later and look what happened when I woke up at 3am that morning. With a vivid visual memory of both the image & the experience, coupled with the my emotions & a photo reference, I set out to convey my excitement for the event. With a 30” square, drip & splatter toned canvas, my paint, brushes, palette knives, scratching tools, paper towels and a box of tissues, I began my translation.
Painting the painting and working quickly, my intuitive nature, took hold from the beginning. I tend to paint and build these landscape compositions, in the order it would have appeared in nature as created, sky, water, land, trees buildings…etc. I’ve felt when you build in this order it has a more authentic order that allows for a natural perspective, even in the most static perspectives, and then a sense depth is achieved. Plus, I have felt more than a bit dis-enchanted when I see the sky painted over the leaves of trees, in others work. It always looks forced, an obvious oversight and not thought out to me, hence making me more aware of it. Just a side note and observation.
Before long the painting was completed and the sun rose out my home window. As you can see, the photo reference is in fact only a reference point. I’m not doing an illustration, trying to duplicate or paint the photo, but create a whole new experience, based on my own. In other words bringing my own light and sunshine to everything I do, and hoping to bring some to you and your life too .
Your comments & questions are always welcome~ Richard
'Harvest Moon off Martha's Vineyard' 30"x30" oil
‘Harvest Moon off Martha's Vineyard' 30"x30" oil
Photo taken from the ferry leaving Marth’s Vineyard, Sunday September 19, 2021