SOLD 'Vanishing Point', 24"x24" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Vanishing Point', 24"x24" oil on canvas

In Cape Cod looking along the shoreline as the tide rolls in and the sand disappears below the surf.

SOLD 'Morning Mist', 24"x24" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Morning Mist', 24"x24" oil on canvas

Before the ocean seas horizon,a lone sail boat drifts, as the sun burns off the morning fog.

'Days End', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'Days End', 24"x24" oil on canvas

As the sun sets upon the Atlantic coast, the towns silhouette appears and a lone fisherman reels in his catch of the day.

'Race Point', 24"x24: oil on canvas
'Race Point', 24"x24: oil on canvas

A gentle rise in the sand, a seperation in the shrubs, a path to the edge of a bluff that over looks the Atlantic across to sandbar where Race Point Light is a beacon, not just for ships, but the whales that are there to feed. 

SOLD 'On the Rocks', 24"x24" oil on canvas
SOLD 'On the Rocks', 24"x24" oil on canvas

On the east coast on these rocky shores of the Atlantic stands this beacon of hope to travelers.

SOLD 'Walking the Beach', 24"x24" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Walking the Beach', 24"x24" oil on canvas

An overcast day, walking the pups on the beach, a small pool of water stands still and is reflecting the figures, whos cares have went out with the tide.     

'Surfs Up', 36"x36" oil on canavs
'Surfs Up', 36"x36" oil on canavs

A cool suuny day, January in St. Augustine Florida. This can be any beach where nothing stops the thrill seeker and adventerous.

'Migration', 48"x28.5" oil on canvas
'Migration', 48"x28.5" oil on canvas

Two years ago we were in St Augustine Florida and they were celebrating 450 years of history, when I took a reference photo to do this painting. It is the oldest european settled town in the country. It was settled initially by the Spanish. Most if not all of us (our ancestors) immigrated here at some point. This is indeed what made and continues to make our country great!

SOLD 'The Windy', 18"x18" oil on canvas
SOLD 'The Windy', 18"x18" oil on canvas

The Chicago Lighthouse on Lake Michigan, where tall ship, 'The Windy' sets sail for yet another adventure. 

SOLD 'Meditations on Flight', 36"x36" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Meditations on Flight', 36"x36" oil on canvas

A cool but balmy morning in St Augustine, Florida, these gulls are in flight formation for destinations unkown.  

'Lemme' Take You to the Beach', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Lemme' Take You to the Beach', 36"x36" oil on canvas

A friend modeled for this piece, where freedoms are expressed in relation to a trip out east in Ptown. 

'Behold the Dusk', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Behold the Dusk', 36"x36" oil on canvas

A hot summer days end, the rolling of the tide, light reflects off the surface or is it an Abstract with a horizon line? You to decide. 

SOLD 'Blue Haze' 24"x24" oil on canvas   (On exhibition 'BLUE' at  Jackson Junge Gallery    1389 N Milwaukee Avenue   Chicago, Illinois  60622   from Sept. 20  -Oct. 20 2019)
SOLD 'Blue Haze' 24"x24" oil on canvas (On exhibition 'BLUE' at Jackson Junge Gallery 1389 N Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60622 from Sept. 20 -Oct. 20 2019)

Over the Atlantic two birds fly across the sky, high above the rolling sea, in a vast endless 'Blue Haze' while a lone boat sails on.   

'The Cove', 18"x18" oil on canavs
'The Cove', 18"x18" oil on canavs

It's early spring and another day's closing. Will their be a tomorrow and what will it bring? Breath it all in and be here for it.

SOLD 'Tides',  18"x18" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Tides', 18"x18" oil on canvas

St. Augustine, Florida where the North Atlantic Right Whale calving grounds are and many species of sea turtles nest. It's a new day and all things are possible. 

'Horizons', 12'x12" oil on canvas
'Horizons', 12'x12" oil on canvas

One persons sunrise is anothers sunset. One persons seascape is anothers abstract.

'Morning Glow', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Morning Glow', 36"x36" oil on canvas

A foggy morning walk, the sky, sand and sea merge and the couple disaapear over the horizon

SOLD 'End of the Pier', 24"x24" oil on canvas
SOLD 'End of the Pier', 24"x24" oil on canvas

St. Augustine, Florida, where whale and sea turtle are born. Stay here high upon the pier and you may just be lucky enough to see one pass by. 

'Morning Flicker', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'Morning Flicker', 24"x24" oil on canvas

Watching the sun rise over the Atlantic. There's no better way to start the day.

'The Whale Watcher', 18"x18" oil on canvas
'The Whale Watcher', 18"x18" oil on canvas

Spring 2017~ We were out east on Cape Cod to do some whale watching and see the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. The ocean was teaming with an abundance of food and sea life, it was amazing. These majestic giants are at a cusp of survival. On our way back we stopped at Nauset beach, where I saw this person sitting on a rock, staring out at the sea, hoping to catch a glimpse of this vanishing creature. A  serene and pensive moment.

'Hovering Cormorant', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Hovering Cormorant', 36"x36" oil on canvas

Blue on blue, a monocromatic study of the sky, sand and sea with a single bird skimming and reflecting off the surface. 

SOLD 'Meditations on Love #1' 18"x8" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Meditations on Love #1' 18"x8" oil on canvas

Love, loss and grief, the memories are with us in many forms.  

'A Meditation', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'A Meditation', 36"x36" oil on canvas

Inspired by the ocean, beach and sky, but is it a seascape or an abstract? Well that's for you to decide. A gentle, serene and peacful piece and place, to be sure.   

'Strangers in the Fog', 24"x24" oil on canvas.
'Strangers in the Fog', 24"x24" oil on canvas.

First light of the day, a heavy fog, a salty mist sprays off the ocean, a  gulls voice echoes and the two figures meet or do they simply pass each other by.

SOLD 'Boy at the Beach', 30"x20" ol on canvas
SOLD 'Boy at the Beach', 30"x20" ol on canvas

Saw this scene and it brought back memories. A summer day, all the wonder of the ocean, the beach, the possibilties and what I could create, with just a bucket and shovel inspired by the world around imagination.   

SOLD 'Meditations on Love #2', 18"x18" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Meditations on Love #2', 18"x18" oil on canvas

Imagine walking along the Atlantic coast, nothing but the morning light, the sound of the surf, the salty mist and a lone seagull squacks out a single note.

'Sunbather', 13.5"x6.5" oil on canvas
'Sunbather', 13.5"x6.5" oil on canvas

A sunny spring day at the beach. Listen carefully to the sounds: ocean waves, the wind, and the birds above.

'Evening Tide', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Evening Tide', 36"x36" oil on canvas

End of the day, where shadow and light meet.

'Ptown at a Glance', 30"x30" oil on canvas
'Ptown at a Glance', 30"x30" oil on canvas

Several miles out of town, on a sunny day, when the tides out, here's what can be seen looking along the peninsulas end. The pilgrim monument towers over Ptown, as a symbol of freedom sought, from oppression and tyrranical rule, as we did when it was first colonized.

SOLD 'Study of the Morning Star', 12"x12" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Study of the Morning Star', 12"x12" oil on canvas

Beyond the dunes silhouette, a horizon line, and the morning sun burst with all things possible.

'Summer Heat', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'Summer Heat', 24"x24" oil on canvas

The Atlantic ocean and sky as the sun begins to set on a steamy day or elements of design; point,line, shape, form, space, color and texture, you decide.

'Flight of the Brown Pelican', 12"x12" oil on canvas
'Flight of the Brown Pelican', 12"x12" oil on canvas

At days end, in St Augustine, Florida, several Brown Pelicans fly along the ocean shores. Break it down in to its essential design elements, an abstract or perhaps a hidden message, uncoded.   

'Flock of Seagulls', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Flock of Seagulls', 36"x36" oil on canvas

Sunrises over the Atlantic and a large 'Flock of Seagulls' pass overhead. A good day.

'Rolling with the Tide', 18"x18" oil on canvas
'Rolling with the Tide', 18"x18" oil on canvas

The day begins or perhaps is ending, the tide rolls in and rolls out, today is another day. 

SOLD 'At the Pond', 24"x20" oil on canvas
SOLD 'At the Pond', 24"x20" oil on canvas

This is the fifth season these wonderful birds have visited the pond behind our home. A mated pair of Sand Hill Cranes come every spring, have 1 or 2 chicks and  raise them over the season. We've become quite familar with them, photograph them often and they seem like family at this point. This time of year they begin their flight training, for their migration south, until hopefully they return for yet another season.

'Chicago Is', 48"x36", oil on canvas
'Chicago Is', 48"x36", oil on canvas

Chicago has a Tall Ships event, off Navy Pier, regularly and it's very own 'The Windy' that tours the Chicago, Lake Michigan area giving historical tours. On one occasion I was out on 'The Windy' and captured several images ship to shore the Sears/Willis tower to John Hancock, with Chicago Lighthouse in the foregroundand Navy Pier off to the right. 'Chicago Is' my kind of town.

'Moonlight Surfer', 16"x20" oil on board
'Moonlight Surfer', 16"x20" oil on board

Off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida, in the Atlantic ocean there's an evolving dedicated group of surfers. Combing the beaches, you can find them just before sinrise until right after sundown when surfs up, they're catching a wave. This surfer was catching his final wave of the day.  

'Green Surf Board', 20"x16" oil on board
'Green Surf Board', 20"x16" oil on board

All the anticipation and hopes of catching that ultimate wave and riding it, but alas the surfs have subsided. The tides are rolling out and he'll try again tomorrow. 

Good Day Sunshine, 16"x20", oil on board
Good Day Sunshine, 16"x20", oil on board

What sometimes looks to be the sun setting is really the sun rising. The day opens and it closes, one on to the other, just be there for it and take it all in. 

'Daydreamer', 20"x16" oil on board
'Daydreamer', 20"x16" oil on board

The warmth of the sun, a light breeze, the salt of the ocean mist, the sound of waves rolling in on the beach, he's lost in thought and daydreaming of some great discovery that his days explorations have revealed. Then a voice calls out, it's his mother and today, in this moment, all is well with the world.  

'Light & Sahdow', 12"x24" oil
'Light & Sahdow', 12"x24" oil

A simplified and direct approach, conveying an ethereal silhouette, as the sun beams across the ocean casting a shadow on the sand. 

'Let's Go Swimming' 12"x24" oil
'Let's Go Swimming' 12"x24" oil

Rushing down the beach, he waits in quiet anticipation. But hurry now, time is fleeting.

Finding His Wings, 20"x20" oil
Finding His Wings, 20"x20" oil

Out at the beach on the Atlantic Coast, just taking it all in, the sights, sounds, smells, and thoughts. A gull lifts off and I remember a story from when I was growing up, “Johnathon Livingston Seagull,” I presume and am inspired.

Adrift, 20"x20" oil on canvas
Adrift, 20"x20" oil on canvas

A dense fog engulfs all land, water and sky are bearly disguishable and a lone boat, bob’s gently in the sea as the sun disappears somewhere in the mist. Alone, a sense of Isolation begins to set in, but you are present and realize you are connected to the ubiquitous all.

'Passing Brant Light, Nantucket', 20"x20" oil on canvas
'Passing Brant Light, Nantucket', 20"x20" oil on canvas

We left Hyannis on the Cape, upon the Steam Ship Authority, car, dogs and ourselves all aboard, headed toward Nantucket island. The seas were slightly choppy and a light drizzle fell as our 2 hour tour ended pulling into the harbor. The rain stopped, clouds began to disapate and as we got closer the shoreline full of houses , sail boats leaving the harbor appeared, and Brant light circa 1746, stands as sentry to welcome us our arrival.

'Waiting', 12"x24" oil on canvas
'Waiting', 12"x24" oil on canvas

The Atlantic coast, St. Augustine Florida, the beach is marked North Atlantic Right Whales and a variety of endangered sea turtle migrate, and populate along this area. It’s also an area where you can catch a wave when the tides swell. This surfer stands looking out into the vast sea searching for a wave or maybe something else, you decide.

'Beach Hut', 18"x18" oil on canavs
'Beach Hut', 18"x18" oil on canavs

Out at the very tip of Cape Cod, at Race Point, you can sit for hours taking in the sun, the sand & the sea, most times I've been out there you can see pods of whales from shore as they pass by feeding.

'A Walk on the Beach', 18"x14" oil on canvas
'A Walk on the Beach', 18"x14" oil on canvas

Last year, April 2017, during a road trip we stopped off at Nauset Beach on the Cape. There was an elderly woman sitting on a giant slap rock on the beach. I did a painting of her gazing out upon the sea, entitled 'The Whale Watcher'. This year, May 2018, we stopped off again and there she was, only this time she had already enjoyed her time on the beach and had begun her ascent , walking back up the trail, to the cliffs that oversee this area, the beach, the vast ocean & sky. Just another day in her life, but a moment captured for me.

'Rooftops of Nantucket', 18"x18" oil on canvas
'Rooftops of Nantucket', 18"x18" oil on canvas

An amazing veiw from cupola to deck, atop the whale museum, on Nantucket. A foggy and misty day, the grey day seemed well suited to the buildings and homes, 100, 200 years or older on this spring day.

'Serenity', 24"x18" oil on canvas
'Serenity', 24"x18" oil on canvas

Out at the point, just hours before dusk, a peaceful moment captured, as the tide gently covers the beach, clouds are still, a slight fog bank rolls in off the ocean and several cormorants fly along the shore line.

'Island Light', 20"x20"  oil on canvas
'Island Light', 20"x20" oil on canvas

Exploring Nantucket island, Brant Light still stands as one of the oldest harbor sentries in the country. Just off Cape Cod, I imagine, days gone by when the harbor was full of tall ships and whalers. Now the lighthouse stands as a beacon to our nations history and a welcome sign for those who dare to explore and discover it.

'Morning Light', 20"x20" oil on canvas
'Morning Light', 20"x20" oil on canvas

About 6am at St. Augustine Beach, off the Atlantic Coast, a cruise ship passes the horizon and a small flock of pelicans are out in search of breakfast. An amazing and abundant amount of colors flicker, dance in my eyes, and the day begins.

'Along Gitche Gumee', 40"x40" mixed media on canvas
'Along Gitche Gumee', 40"x40" mixed media on canvas

We discovered this place, for ourselves, over 15 years ago, on a Lake Michigan Circle Tour. Once we arrived at north end of the lake we decided to drive across the U.P. There we found the Picture Rock National Shores, between Munising and Grand Marais, 'Along Gitche Gumee', that's Lake Superior to you and me. It's translation from its Ojibwe Indian name, means "the shining blue sea water." It quickly became a favorite place to go to, toward the end of summer when it hosts an art & music festival. So much beauty, so little time.

'Kayakers at Miners Beach', 18"x14" oil on canvas
'Kayakers at Miners Beach', 18"x14" oil on canvas

Between the 50 mile stretch, from Munising to Grand Marais, MI, along the Picture Rock National Shores, the many hiking trails lead to an abundance of, forest, falls, cliffs & beaches. One such area and adventure has 'Kayakers at Miners Beach'. I’ve been painting this are for over 15 years now.

'Superior, Inland Sea' 40"x40" oil on canvas
'Superior, Inland Sea' 40"x40" oil on canvas

On Lake Superior at Grand Marais, Michigan, the waters can become as violent as an oceans and fits the criteria for being a sea, except it is not a salt water body. One evening we went out to the edge of the pennisula to watch a storm roll in. The clouds were pitch black, the winds had picked up and the waters behind us were crazy turbulent. The clouds were moving fast, north toward us, but just before they reached us the blew off to the east, the rest of the evening was clear and the waters raged on, leaving me full of awe.

'Translations' 24"x18" oil on canvas
'Translations' 24"x18" oil on canvas

A day at a time, the sun rises and sets, be there for it. As an artist the medium is the message of our interpretations. We translate our visual and emotional response via the medium to convey our experience and to share it. For me there is nothing more sublime then a sunrise/sunset, one long meditative breath, inhalling deeply, exhaling slowly, in a heartbeat.

'Calm Harbor' 18"x18" oil
'Calm Harbor' 18"x18" oil

U.P. Michigan at Grand Marais on Lake Superior, there's a small protected harbor where by, as stormy as this body of water can be, this area is relatively safe. The morning broke after a storm and here's the calm.

Kiss the Sky 30"x30" oil
Kiss the Sky 30"x30" oil

One time, about 5 years ago, I was out on a whale watch off the tip of Cape Cod. There was a pod of about 20-25 Humpback Whales. They are an especially smart and social specie of whale. They often, swim, feed, and breach in groups of three or so. On this occassion they were firing off and breaching, across the horizon, 10, 12 & 2 O’Clock, one after the other. This painting is based on my first photo capture of a whale breach and my excitment of being there.

Hang Ten, 24"x24" oil
Hang Ten, 24"x24" oil

As the day begins to come to a close, the tide swells, & one lone surfer slides in on wave to shore. St Augustine Beach Florida is a year round haven for beachcombers, sea turtles, North Atlantic Right Whale & surfer dudes, & dudettes catching a wave.

Quiet Harbor 24"x24" oil
Quiet Harbor 24"x24" oil

About half way between St. Augustine Florida and the Kennedy Space Center along the eastern coast, we discovered this harbor. Late afternoon, when we arrived, it was teaming with exotic birds, dolphin & manatee. Toward the end of the day, as the sun began to set, all became quiet, as the hussle and bussel of the day, settled down ot this ‘Quiet Harbor’.

Sea Turtle Surfacing, 18"x18" oil
Sea Turtle Surfacing, 18"x18" oil

It seems where ever we go, there they are, the sea turtle, a favorite of my sisters. A few years ago Cape Cod Harbor was teaming with an abundance of food, drawing an abundance of sea creatures to feed, even the sea turtle. St. Augustine Beach Florida is a nesting area for these creatures. Earlier this year, 2019, we were in Key West and stopped at the aquarium, where several of them have been rescued, rehabbed and set back to sea. This one had been rescued several times from ship strike & fishing lines. That kind of tenacity deserves recognition.

'Dune Crest' 18"x18" oil
'Dune Crest' 18"x18" oil

High upon the dune crest in North Truro, Massachusetts you can see for miles and miles. Beyond the dunes, the shrubs, the road that leads to Ptown, the cottages, & the Atlantic, the view, a scene awaits, while the fleeting light is captured in a moment, in our imagination.

Hope Floats 24"x24" oil on canvas
Hope Floats 24"x24" oil on canvas

One evening, we ran down to the ocean to watch the sunset. Cause that’s what one does, to catch it setting upon a vast horizon. In this case , it didn’t so much dip below the horizon line as it sunk beneath the lavender haze , wafting up into the sky. A truly stunning color and light show to behold.

Daybreak, 30"x30" oil on canvas
Daybreak, 30"x30" oil on canvas

These late summer/early fall morning walks are a speactacular light show. The light, the color, as the sun rises & over 15-20 minutes it's better than any fireworks, to be sure! This is an area we walk daily.

American Crow Homage  30"x30" oil on canvas
American Crow Homage 30"x30" oil on canvas

25 years ago, when I moved here, there was a farm across the street from my home. Every year, in the fall, during the harvest and soon after, an enormous flock of crows would fly over descend on the field for food. The angle of the light this time of year, the crispness of the air, makes for a fantastic array of colors, textures and movement.The West Nile virus took out the Crows and the farm is gone now too. But I remember and it's exhilarating to me

Let Me Take You To The Beach 36"x36" oil on wood
Let Me Take You To The Beach 36"x36" oil on wood

St Augustine Beach along the Atlantic coastline of Florida teams with beach folk for miles and miles. All day long you can find those sun bathing, otheres swimming, & surfing, still others playing frisbee, beer pong and of course, builders of castles and other dreams for this is where ocean meets land meets sky, all seemingly endless.

The Boys 30"x30" oil
The Boys 30"x30" oil

It’s March 2020, St. Augustine Beach, Fl. is open to swimmers, surfers & beach combers….and some catching rays.

’Fog, Color, & Light’ 24”x24” oil
’Fog, Color, & Light’ 24”x24” oil

Early spring, late April, We were out walking the pups, camera in hand. A most ethereal landscape revealed itself by way of fog, light and color. I captured a wonderful photograph of it then went about translating it in oil paint. Here’s the result.

’Wading For The Sun’ 24”x24” oil
’Wading For The Sun’ 24”x24” oil

I paint plein air, from imagination & from photographic references. In this case I had taken 2 photos. One of the 3 guys having an afternoon swim & the other at the crack of dawn. I merged the images into a painting that suggests, either dusk or dawn, any ocean & sky, plus a more ambiguous nature of the people wading out to sea, to capture the essence of being.

That Toddlin’ Town Impression 10 ft. X4 ft. Mixed Media Triptych,
That Toddlin’ Town Impression 10 ft. X4 ft. Mixed Media Triptych,

See the light before the color.

Chicago is that toddlin town for me. From sailing, boating tours & the beaches of Lake Michigan, to the many concert venues, play & opera theaters, to the great museums, clubs & restaurants. Let's not forget the awesome art galleries! On some lists it's the #1 dog friendly city in the country & awalk on Navy Pier will prove that. Chicago leaves an impression each & every time we visit.

The Country Club, 48"x24" oil on canvas
The Country Club, 48"x24" oil on canvas

I've driven past this golf course many many times over the 25 years I've lived here in St. Charles, just off route 25 and have often thought about painting it. So now I have. We're having a record number of days in the 90s & a fair amount of rain, so everything is lush, including the St. Charles Country Club.

My Own Paradise 30”x30” oil on canvas
My Own Paradise 30”x30” oil on canvas

We all have a favorite spot. a space that just feels good. For me, its at the beach, the sound of the surf, the smells, the sights, as I look beyond the horizon.

‘Morning Fight’ 48”x24” oil
‘Morning Fight’ 48”x24” oil

A mid fall morning, at a place I walk & visit daily. The air is crisp, and the sun has broke just above the tree line. The angle of the light, creates a glow, across the field and if you look closely reveals 4 Sand Hill Cranes in flight traingin, lifting off to the south.

'Clouds Roll By' 24"x24"  oil
'Clouds Roll By' 24"x24" oil

Most see the color, but if you look for the light, the true colors reveal themselves. Sitting at the beach at sunset, the ever changing light, reveals a the colors like non other.

‘Dog Day Afternoon’ 24”x30” oil on canvas
‘Dog Day Afternoon’ 24”x30” oil on canvas

Our pups love the beach. Out in Ptown’s at Herring Cove after a long run and play, this ones catching some rays and napping.

The Great Escape 24"x30" oil on canvas
The Great Escape 24"x30" oil on canvas

Along the Atlantic Coast of Florida, from St Augustine to Key West there are several species of sea turtle that try against all odds to survive. If it’s not a battle against nature then its one against man’s shipping lanes, fishing nets or pollution.

Sunset Beach 24"x30" oil on canvas
Sunset Beach 24"x30" oil on canvas

This work was created live on video, demonstrating my en plein air from photogragh approach. Watch for it on youtube, facebook & linkedin.

The Clearing 36"x36" oil on canvas
The Clearing 36"x36" oil on canvas

We were at Starved Rock State Park, Il. earlier this fall, 2020. I captured a photo of an area deep within the woods. I recently decided to translate it into a painting, based on line, shape, color & texture. This is the context from which I worked on this piece, painting the painting.

'Autumns Bounty' 24"x30" oil on canvas
'Autumns Bounty' 24"x30" oil on canvas

Fall 2020, the field across from my home provided the subject for this still-life artwork. Some had been sun dried other were in full bloom of their season. All the color, texture & patterns needed to create a wonderful composition.

Seaside Biking 24"x30" oil
Seaside Biking 24"x30" oil

Hiking and biking the shoreline along any great body of water, seems a meditative endeavor to me. The sights, sounds and smells, keep you earth bound as you look out upon the vast seas horizon.

SOLD Racing the Sun 40"x30" oil
SOLD Racing the Sun 40"x30" oil

It was a great day out on the sea, it’s now the end of a day sailing and your racing the sun for land, but no worries your compass will get you there in any event.

Light & Color on a Gray Day 30"x24" oil
Light & Color on a Gray Day 30"x24" oil

To the average eye, it’s a overcast gray day along the Atlantic coast. But if you look closely for the light, it reveals the color that exists there too, as a lone person walks along the shoreline.

Boats Against the Current 40"x30" oil
Boats Against the Current 40"x30" oil

The Wind, Water & Sky. You set your sail and go with the flow.

Light & Shadow 30"x30" oil
Light & Shadow 30"x30" oil

Sometimes white looks like the sunsetting is really the sun rising, the light and shadows of our mind revealed in images.

SOLD Fleeting Moments 12"x24" oil
SOLD Fleeting Moments 12"x24" oil

Morning rises up over the treelines, for a flicker of light in a fleeting moment a lone hummingbird feeds.

Island Paradise 60"x20" oil
Island Paradise 60"x20" oil

A tropical getaway, an 'Island Paradise' for some, a place in the mind for others, a serene and sacred space for us all.

SOLD Pals 12"x24" oil
SOLD Pals 12"x24" oil

A large open field, a cornstalks on the right create the passage as the trees off in the distance assure there’s room to roam. The 2 pups walk as they’ve done hundreds of times, the lush grasses that have been driven upon more than a few times. The blue sky, with a single glowing & billowy cloud assure us that these two ‘Pals’ will have lots of play time.

The View 12"x24" oil
The View 12"x24" oil

There’s nothing like watching a sunrise or sunset, just being there for it, a day, a breath, a thought.

SOLD Historic Water Tower 12"x24" oil
SOLD Historic Water Tower 12"x24" oil

The MCA Museum of Contemporary Art is just across the street from the Water Tower. When I saw on this occasion I knew I just had to paint it.

Caverns 24"x24" oil
Caverns 24"x24" oil

The deep blue sea, the darkness of an undersea world, as illuminated by the flickering light from above. A place where representational meets abstract in the recesses of the mind.

SOLD ‘Tulips Along the Pathway’ 24”x24” oil
SOLD ‘Tulips Along the Pathway’ 24”x24” oil

This brought back memories. When I was growing up, my father's parents, my grandparents had a very large front yard too. Rose bushes in the front of the house, below the windows, 2 climbing roses covered a working water pump turned into a wishing well & all along and lining the driveway, were hundreds and hundreds of tulips. There's lots of photos of my sister and I, toddlers, walking the field one Easter, mom & dad in tow.

Spring Fields at Dawn "12x24" oil
Spring Fields at Dawn "12x24" oil

It’s early spring 2021 about 6:45 a.m. and the suns peaking above the horizon line at the nearby park. The light was intense as it beamed across the field.

‘Sandbar Sunbathers’ 40”x30” oil
‘Sandbar Sunbathers’ 40”x30” oil

Almost a decade ago, the first few times we went to Ptown, we stayed at the Breakwater Motel, ocean side. At low tide we liked to see how far we could walk out upon the sand. The ocean can be an ever changing and violent scape, on both sand and sea. However, when it was calm, it seemed you could walk out forever and sometimes, every now and then, the water would cut you off, creating a temporary little island shelf. You could set up for awhile, sit in a chair, walk the area, play in the water and mostly, just bask in the serenity of it all.

'Lifeguard's On Duty' 30"x30" oil
'Lifeguard's On Duty' 30"x30" oil

Maroni Beach along Cape Cod . A place we like to frequent on our way to Ptown.

Walking 18"x36" oil
Walking 18"x36" oil

One of the many trails in the U.P. along the 55 mile stretch of Picture Rock National Shores.

Falling Waters 18"x36" oil
Falling Waters 18"x36" oil

Munising Falls is one of the many natural highlights at Picture Rock in the U.P. Michigan.

Walk in the Woods, 18"x36" oil
Walk in the Woods, 18"x36" oil

This is a forest preserve, 'Tekakwitha' by my home that I've been walking for over 26 years now. his spot is just before the a wood bridge that crosses a ravine that used to go to the nature center. The nature center was taken down about a decade ago, after the 08' crash, because being deep in the woods, the recently homeless were breaking in seeking shelter. A few years prior to it's removal, I had painted both the bridge and the nature center. I still walk the paths and time marches on too.

SOLD Irises 30”x30" oil
SOLD Irises 30”x30" oil

Between the recent 2020 Monet exhibit at the Art Institute Chicago and my long time love of Van Gogh, the Irises in my front yard provided a need of my expression, spring 2021.

Save the Whale 36"x18" oil
Save the Whale 36"x18" oil

*The plight of the whales of the world are a cause near and dear to my heart. The many species along the eastern seaboard and particularly the North Atlantic Right Whale have a special place for me, as I've been following them from some of their feeding grounds, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts to their calving grounds around the St, Augustine, Florida, for nearly a decade now. If you've followed me for a while you know my meaning. After 2 recent documentary watches 'Entangled' and 'The Loneliest Whale', both excellent, I've decided to donate the total proceeds from the sale of this painting to Center of Coastal Studies Provincetown, as I've seen them in action numerous times and have even participated in an entangled whale rescue. Message me for further info on how to purchase this painting and help to 'Save the Whale'.

Wildflowers 30"x30" oil
Wildflowers 30"x30" oil

I do a morning walk and evening walk with mu pups all year round. The primary area we walk is the park across the street from me. It’s about a 1 1/2 figure 8 walk depending on how you navigate it. The county forest preserve has done a great job of replanting the natural wildflowers of Illinois in an effort to bring back the birds, bee’s and butterflies. The prairie flowers were especially lush and colorful, summer 2021. Here my expression of it.

The View 30"x30"oil
The View 30"x30"oil

A Plein-Air approach from a photo, most often alla-prima, has a direct matter-of-factness about them. I do an annual visit to Cape Cod, paint & get lots of references and photos for paintings. In 2020, with the covid pandemic, I cancelled our trip. Some friends that live there had poste some photos of them out at Race Point, at the end of the cape, which is a great place to whale watch from land and the inspiration for this piece.

'Harvest Moon off Martha's Vineyard' "30x30" oil
'Harvest Moon off Martha's Vineyard' "30x30" oil

We had boarded the Steamship Authority Ferry leaving Martha’s Vineyard about 2 miles out, as the sun began to set for the day. It was September 19th, 2021 and the Harvest Moon had begun to rise. Luckily I had my camera with me a captured a beautiful scene of the the moon rising near an edge of the Island, one which had homes & a lighthouse a top the bluff. When I got back home, it was the first painting I created on a large canvas. Here are the results…enjoy.

Waiting for the Lobster Roll 24"x24" oil
Waiting for the Lobster Roll 24"x24" oil

A little restaurant called the CANTEEN, in Ptown Massachusetts. Here’s the view from the back patio while waiting for our Lobster Rolls & Roasted Brussel Sprouts.

Green on Gray, Lake Erie' 18"x18" oil
Green on Gray, Lake Erie' 18"x18" oil

We stopped at a state park that’s peninsula ran out upon Lake Erie. It was overcast with a slight drizzle. It’s amazing how much light & color can be seen if one looks for it.

Bridge Over Erie Canal 24"x24" oil
Bridge Over Erie Canal 24"x24" oil

We had stopped in Rochester New York, picked up a NY style pizza and headed to the Empire Trail with the pups. It runs along the Erie Canal and has many foot bridges that cross it. Here’s one that caught my attention. The green glow of the trees, the reflection in the water, the lily pads floating a top the water on an overcast day of grey.

Beacon 30"x30" oil
Beacon 30"x30" oil

The Pilgrims Monument, was erected in Provincetown MA. a reminder of our early roots, our history, the intention, the reality, its cost. Today it stands as a beacon of hope and a safe haven for people of belief systems of diversity, acceptance & respect, from here & around the world.

Potted Sunflowers 36"x36" oil
Potted Sunflowers 36"x36" oil

A live potted plant, sunflowers in this case, in my backyard, was the inspiration for this piece.

'Overlook' 24"x34" oil
'Overlook' 24"x34" oil

You take me to the beach, so let me take you there too.

Georgia On My Mind 12”x20” oil
Georgia On My Mind 12”x20” oil

A walk in the woods where a stream with falls runs through it if fall. So much to see, think and experience on a nature walk

Good Morning 30"x30" oil
Good Morning 30"x30" oil

Flagler Beach, A little place along the Atlantic coast. Another person enjoying the view told us, that just the day before he watched a North Atlantic Right Whale, mother and calf, play in feed in these waters, for 45 minutes or so.

New Day 30"x30" oil
New Day 30"x30" oil

While in Key West I recorded the sunset from Mallory Square, one evening. When I got back home, I got out a #30” canvas and went to work. It was difficult to decide which colors to lay down as they changed rapidly over 20 minutes or so. I ended up blending a transition between the more cool and warm tones. Here is the results.

Sun, Moon & Pier 40"x16" oil
Sun, Moon & Pier 40"x16" oil

When we arrived in the early evening, before sundown, the moon hung over the Atlantic & when we left the sun had began to rise over it. I had taken several photos and videos of each event as they happened, then blended them together on a single canvas as I experienced them. I’m so grateful, for every day I’m given.

My Blue Heaven 40"x16" oil
My Blue Heaven 40"x16" oil

When you wake up at 4:30am with a title in your head, you say…I know what that looks like…and paint it.

SOLD/Donation, Stand With Ukraine 16"x40" oil
SOLD/Donation, Stand With Ukraine 16"x40" oil

At the bottom in green, is a map of the country of Ukraine. Each of the sunflowers within it, symbolize the Ukranian people in the areas that are being heavily bombed. The area with the most sunflowers is the capital city of Kyiv, that has taken some of the heaviest shelling, and where an artist friend was in hospital when it all began. He has been fighting for his life since. The single sunflower symbolizes Volodymyr Zelenskyy, its most brave & courageous president, standing his ground and leading his people.

It will be available at Proud Fox Gallery & Frame Shop, where a dozen or so of its artists will be making a stand and offering their artworks as support of the Ukraine. Proceeds from the fundraising event, will be donated to UNICEF USA, Children's Campaign.

Dawn 24"x24" oil
Dawn 24"x24" oil

Kick off your shoes, walk down to the beach and watch the sunrise, paint it if you can.

Twilight, 24"x24" oil
Twilight, 24"x24" oil

The period of the evening when twilight takes place, between daylight and darkness. The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun's rays from the atmosphere

‘Shoreline Seagull & Sand Pipers’ 30"x30” oil
‘Shoreline Seagull & Sand Pipers’ 30"x30” oil

The serenity of the beach, the quiet sounds of the waves rolling in as the birds, seagull & sand piper alike , spend their time looking for breakfast.

'Great Blue Heron' 40"x30" oil
'Great Blue Heron' 40"x30" oil

I love painting the colors of a partly cloudy overcast day. It’s amazing the colors that display & make themselves known, when you search for the light. We stopped in Erie PA. and headed for the Presque Isle State Park, on Lake Erie, and went walking about the peninsula in the slightest drizzle. I took lots of photo references, the one that got away had a Great Blue Heron in it. Back at home I took a photo of a local one and added it to the painting.

‘Flight & Light’ 24”x24” oil
‘Flight & Light’ 24”x24” oil

5 pelicans fly in formation, high above the sea but not far from land in search of breakfast, I’m sure.

Chicago Theater-Sold Out 22"x28" oil
Chicago Theater-Sold Out 22"x28" oil

We had went to see Carol Burnett at the Chicago Theater, a fantastic show. As 3500 people, including ourselves poured out of the Sold Out show, I took a couple photos to reference for this painting.

Endowment `The Paths Ahead 22"x28" oil
Endowment `The Paths Ahead 22"x28" oil

One of my nieces recently graduated from college and has set a course This image of her riding a horse in her new home in Georgia best captures both her confidence & bliss. Here’s my translation into paint.

The Visible 16"x40" oil
The Visible 16"x40" oil

There’s things we see & other we do not, sometimes even when we’re right on top of them. This ariel view of a a boat floating on the water with a whale just beneath was to convey that notion. There is a Polynesian saying:

'Standing on a whale, fishing for minnows.'

‘Race Point Lighthouse’ 48”x36” oil
‘Race Point Lighthouse’ 48”x36” oil

This scenic little spot is at the end of Cape Cod...the view from Herring Cove beach to Race Point.

Rooftops of Ptown 30"x30" oil
Rooftops of Ptown 30"x30" oil

I walked up the Pilgrims Monument to get an aerial view of the harbor & town from above. As I have a fear of heights, it was somewhat of a challenge to walk up the 252-foot-7+1⁄2-inch-tall

stairway and then look out the windows below. But I did it and it was good! Here's what I saw...

Bohemia 40"x40" oil
Bohemia 40"x40" oil

I first visited Provincetown Massachusetts about 10 years ago and discovered among other things it had a huge art community. I took lots of photos of the artists painting in the Dunes that overlook Herring Cove. I too have painted, written and been inspired by the area and people, as well. Since that first visit I've learned that Artists, writers, poets and actors have been flocking there since the early 1900's. The creative minds of Charles Hawthorne, Hans Hoffman, Robert Motherwell, Eugen O'Neil, ersenst Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, Franz Kline, Jackson Pollock, Anthony Perkins, de Kooning, Rothko, Tennessee Williams, Edward Hopper, E.E. Cummings, Max Ernst, Norman Mailer, my guy Kurt Vonnegut & the list goes on and on, Bohemia, where the creative thinking types have been hanging out for over 100 years.

Three of a Kind 28"x22" oil
Three of a Kind 28"x22" oil

We have a pond behind our home where these three Sandhill Cranes hangout. I've been thinking about painting them, again, for weeks, today, it is done. .I am so grateful to be able to observe & live side by side with these sentient creatures...this morning I acknowledged out loud that the parents always flank the chicks, not only for protection, but love.

‘It’s a Long, Long Road’ 24”x24” oil
‘It’s a Long, Long Road’ 24”x24” oil

Inspired by this lyric~… The road is long

With many a winding turn

That leads us to who knows where, who knows where

But I'm strong

Strong enough to carry him

He ain't heavy, he's my brother ~The Hollies

‘Nature, Lightness & Being’ 30”X30” oil
‘Nature, Lightness & Being’ 30”X30” oil

The intense Cape Cod light in fall, beans across the beach at Race Point…the people and a single seagull are in shadow, a silhouette.

Lily Lake 40"x20" oil
Lily Lake 40"x20" oil

My morning is a visual orchestration of color vibrations & this is my spectrum…yet I wonder if we’re on the same frequency…See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.

SOLD ‘The  Majestic’ 30”x24” oil
SOLD ‘The Majestic’ 30”x24” oil

An artist friend posted a photo of him peering over the Glenn Ellis falls in Jackson NH., I knew I had to paint it, translate it into my language. We had driven to Mt. Washington and the surrounding areas ,on our way back from Acadia in Maine, many years ago, but hadn’t painted the area yet.

‘Misty Meadow’ 30”x24” oil
‘Misty Meadow’ 30”x24” oil

The fog rises at the break of dawn, the light is diffuse, but the colors burst forth setting the stage for a few end of the season sunflowers.

Serenity 30"x30" oil
Serenity 30"x30" oil

Here's an example of subtle simplicity, expressing a misty fall morning, with boats on the water and a fog rising.

SOLD ‘Rainy Day Chicago’ 24”x30” oil
SOLD ‘Rainy Day Chicago’ 24”x30” oil

I love Chicago & the Land of Lincoln, I grew up a fifteen minute drive from downtown Chicago & we visited it often for events, such & the like…I still do regularly, even though we’ve moved, a bit further out into the burbs & country. The cultural diverseness and the arts has always beckoned me there, my 2nd home. This piece came together as more of a statement, ‘Along with the sunshineThere's gotta be a little rain sometime.’ Our lives are mostly a view, a perspective, an attitude & choices, so grateful to be here for all of it.

Great Blue Heron 24"x30" oil
Great Blue Heron 24"x30" oil

What a beautiful creature. One joined us at the pond, along with the Sandhill Cranes & and a Snowy Egret, this past summer, but this GBH was on the Fox River, near our home.

‘Cliffs at Highland Light’ 30”x30” oil
‘Cliffs at Highland Light’ 30”x30” oil

One one the oldest lighthouses on Cape Cod, in the country, is situated on this property, initially commissioned by George Washington, 1797, the original structure has been rebuilt and moved back 500 hundred feet from the 125 foot tall cliff it currently sits on .

‘MACK’s a 1st Snow’ 24”x24” oil
‘MACK’s a 1st Snow’ 24”x24” oil

see website blog Art, Nature & Soul #70

Contemplation & the Seer' 24"x 20" oil
Contemplation & the Seer' 24"x 20" oil

A man and his dog walk the Breakwater unto the Atlantic. It’s extremely windy day and they’re about 2/3 the way out, at low tide, so they stop and look upon Ptown & the Pilgrims Monument off in the distance and what a view it is.

'Breakfast's Ready' 24"x20" oil
'Breakfast's Ready' 24"x20" oil

A boy, his dog & pup awake for another day as superhero’s, but breakfast first.

‘The Paramount Theater’ 20”x24” oil
‘The Paramount Theater’ 20”x24” oil

Most recently we saw a fantastic production of “Sound of Music” there, but we’ve also seen Grease, Tim Conway & Olivia Newton-John there, to mention a few. A great suburban venue.

‘Beacon’ 30”x30” oil
‘Beacon’ 30”x30” oil

One of our favorite haunts out east. Center of Ptown, stands this symbol, a sentry, a tower, a monument, a beacon of liberty & equality.

‘The Walk’ 30”x24” oil
‘The Walk’ 30”x24” oil

We were driving through quaint village of Wayne, Il. last Sunday on our way back from the Art Institute when off to the south I spied 2 riders and a walker in the field, off in the distance. I quickly grabbed my cell and I got a couple photo references. Here’s my painterly impression.

'Within Reach' 24"x24" oil
'Within Reach' 24"x24" oil

When we were in St. Augustine Florida in 2020, I painted these 3 , kicking back on the beach, people-watching. Well, watchers are also watched on a beach. I took lots of references for future paintings while we were there, as I always do. I recently shuffled through and found this one and gave it a go, in paint, on canvas.

Salt Shed, Chicago 24"x18" oil
Salt Shed, Chicago 24"x18" oil

A new indoor music venue that we had to check out. Iggy Pop at The Salt Shed, March 10, 2023…absolutely phenomenal…

The Bean, Chicago 24"x18" oil
The Bean, Chicago 24"x18" oil

We were on our way home after seeing 'The Life & Deaths of Alan Turing' at the Harris Theater. A clear blue sky, I captured the photo of Millennium Park as we drove past. I felt it a really goof photo and thought I'd paint it, although I feel the subject really lends itself to a more illustrative approach or maybe the photo was enough.

Summer Beach Party 36"x24" oil
Summer Beach Party 36"x24" oil

Marconi Beach on Cape Cod was the inspiration for this piece and yet it can be almost any beach , so lay down in the sand & make yours

Little Rascal 24"x18' oil
Little Rascal 24"x18' oil

It’s not often I scrape off the paint. But this started as an elaborate interior scene that went all wrong. After scrapping it off I tried to turn it into an abstract on grey background. Still not happy with the results, I then ran across this photo reference, a FB friend had posted of a raccoon sitting in the bottom of a garbage dumpster. Knowing I had a great color for the background I sat out building & scraping together with palette knives a heavy impasto rendition of this little rascal.

Welcome to Provincetown 30"x30" oil
Welcome to Provincetown 30"x30" oil

I captured a photo reference from a cliff that overlooks the road entering Ptown. I wanted to capture the faltering light & the glow of the color on its surroundings. Where all things are possible, my happy place and the lights incredible, taboot, even as it dims.

‘Springtime Park Dweller’ 12”x24” oil
‘Springtime Park Dweller’ 12”x24” oil

A nearby park

‘Summer Blossoms’ 12”x24” oil
‘Summer Blossoms’ 12”x24” oil

The potted sunflowers on the table in my backyard provided thisinspiration.

‘Light on an Overcast Day’ 12”x24” oil
‘Light on an Overcast Day’ 12”x24” oil

It's amazing the color that shows it self even on a grey day if you're looking..

A separate Peace 30"x40" oil on canvas
A separate Peace 30"x40" oil on canvas

Inspired from a FB friends photo. For more info on this piece refer to Art, Nature & Soul #77 on my blog page.

‘River Light’ 24”x18” oil
‘River Light’ 24”x18” oil

Along the Fox River , here in the far western suburbs, is a lighthouse that sits on the banks, as a bit of humor to warn any sea going ships that ‘lands ho’…there’s also a windmill off in the distance, as well as a Japanese garden within walking distance. In any case the view is wonderful and the occasional Great Blue Heron swoops down and glides across the water too.

 SOLD ‘On the  Fox’ 18”x24” oil
SOLD ‘On the Fox’ 18”x24” oil

There’s all sorts of parks and forest preserves around us, a dozen or so, that we walk and hang with the pups at. Here’s a little spot in Geneva along the river called, Bennett Park, we’re apt to picnic lunch it, here.

‘The Aragon’ 12”x24” oil
‘The Aragon’ 12”x24” oil

One of the many venues in Chicago. On my top 5 list. The Aragon Ballroom or Brallroom as it’s been nicknames over the past few decades.

‘Eisenhower to Chicago’ 24”x20” oil
‘Eisenhower to Chicago’ 24”x20” oil

We were headed downtown when I saw these billowy clouds hovering over the city. I said Don quick take a photo, but he didn’t, so I had to paint it while driving in….ha, ha, just kidding 🙃 Growing up I lived in the burbs, about 16 miles out you could see the city on a clear day. That’s how flat Illinois is … lol

 ‘Calypso’ 24”x20” oil
‘Calypso’ 24”x20” oil

I’ve always wanted to learn to sail. Here’s what it might have looked like had I in my teens.

‘Good Morning America’ 24”x20” oil
‘Good Morning America’ 24”x20” oil

This time of year the light shifts & lowers as it , with ever changing color, sweeps across the tops of the forests & meadows in this sleepy little town.

Sirens, Harpies & the Maiden of Nauset Beach 24"x24" oil
Sirens, Harpies & the Maiden of Nauset Beach 24"x24" oil

On our way off the Cape, we've got in the habit of stopping off at Nauset Beach in the morning. About 7 years ago we happened upon an older woman, mid to late 70's I'd say, sitting on a massive rock at shoreline before the tide rolled in. I painted her as such. A triple nor'easter wipe out the cliff and it had to be modified and redesigned. A year or 2 later I saw her again there, only she was walking up the new path up to one of the over hang to the cliffs. I painted her then too. We haven't seen her there since covid. This year we again stopped, it was early morning with grey skies and a light drizzle. We stayed at the top of the cliffs that overlook the beach, tide was in and beach mostly covered in water, as a storm, hurricane watch was in effect. As I watched I looked over to the homes a top the taller cliffs. I imagined she stood a top the cliff looking out on this world, this day. Here's my vision shared & homage to that woman of Nauset Beach.

‘Schooner Out of Ptown’ 30”x24” oil
‘Schooner Out of Ptown’ 30”x24” oil

We were headed out on whale watch when I spotted this scene developing, as a sailing craft headed out of the harbor, leaving Ptown in the horizon, featuring the Pilgrim Monument center.

‘One of the Boys’ 24”x24” oil
‘One of the Boys’ 24”x24” oil

A FB friend was in the Caymans with his Bois and posted a photo at the beach. I took it translated it into my language.

‘An Early Frost’ 24”x20” oil
‘An Early Frost’ 24”x20” oil

The fall, when the angles of the light begins to change, creates a wonderful opportunity for capturing a wonderful color display, such was the case in this scene.

CHITOWN 18"cx24" oil
CHITOWN 18"cx24" oil

One of my most favorite venues in Chicago, the Chicago Theater. I recently met someone who used to determine the placement of cell towers. He took a photo from the roof top of the Chicago Theater. Here's my translation.

‘Midwest Sunset’ 18”x24” oil
‘Midwest Sunset’ 18”x24” oil

The seasonal changes in the flora and fauna at a place I frequent on a weekly basis. The light and color at this time of year just twinkle and glow with the angle of the sun.

 ‘Christmas Carol at the Goodman’ 12”x24” oil
‘Christmas Carol at the Goodman’ 12”x24” oil

2023 was the year we went downtown to the Goodman Theater to see Charles Dickens, ‘A Christmas Carol’. I photo captured a scene modified it to my vision and translated it into a wonderland of paint & canvas image.

‘All Are Welcome, U.U. Geneva’ 24”x18” oil
‘All Are Welcome, U.U. Geneva’ 24”x18” oil

I discovered this sanctuary, about 30 years ago. At the time Lindsey Bates was the minister. She was featured in a documentary film called 'A Secret Love'. Here's the, OUR MISSION STATEMENT

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva is a diverse, welcoming community which endeavors to make its Covenant a living reality. We provide religious education and opportunities for spiritual growth. We encourage individual and mutual responsibility as together we work to be a liberal religious voice in the community and a force for compassionate social justice.

Long Point Light 10"x10" oil
Long Point Light 10"x10" oil

There’s several lighthouses on Cape Cod, Here’s one you can reach on a nice hike.

‘A Frosty Morn’ 24”x18” oil
‘A Frosty Morn’ 24”x18” oil

This is the park, near my home, I walk daily. Even on the greyest, foggiest & frostiest days, the colors are there, if you really look and seek the light.

Cliffs at Nauset Beach 10"x10" oil
Cliffs at Nauset Beach 10"x10" oil

An area off Cape Cod we frequent, usually on our way back. I’ve done several paintings off the area, as it has some unique qualities I adore.

‘Winter Glow’ 12”x24” oil
‘Winter Glow’ 12”x24” oil

This is the area the pups and I walked out to this morning, so I could get a photo reference to paint. I softened the glow of the light to create a vibrating halo effect. It’s winter miles west of Chicago, here in the midwest January, .

‘Sublimation in Blue’ 24” x18” oil
‘Sublimation in Blue’ 24” x18” oil

An FB friend posted a photo of the water evaporating off Lake Michigan in Chicago, over the past few days of - degrees. It was an awesome photo of the water, snow, ice & clouds that I decided to translate in to paint.

‘Golden Hour’ 24”x12” oil
‘Golden Hour’ 24”x12” oil

This is near the entrance of the park I walk daily. In the morning the suns behinds us, but in the evening we can watch the sun go down. Sun up and sun down, it’s a day in the life.

‘Winter Thaw’ 20”x24” oil
‘Winter Thaw’ 20”x24” oil

I love to search out & find the color, even on the grayest of days.

‘Nocturne: 875 North Michigan Avenue’ 30”x30” mixed media on canvas
‘Nocturne: 875 North Michigan Avenue’ 30”x30” mixed media on canvas

I was in downtown Chicago, about a month and a half ago, one evening. This is what I saw and how I see. It was breathing, alive & happening.

A Dog's Life 24"x24" mised media
A Dog's Life 24"x24" mised media

I took this quick pic of a friends/ clients / collectors pup and decided to give it the Sperry treatment, 😀so fun

SOLD Chicago Shakespeare Theater 12”x24” oil
SOLD Chicago Shakespeare Theater 12”x24” oil

It felt as though we had just witnessed an emerging new form of art expression here last weekend when we saw Sufjan Stevens “Illinoise” performed.

‘Red Roof’ 20”x24” oil
‘Red Roof’ 20”x24” oil

With yesterdays 74 degree high in February, I felt inspired to paint a midwest summer. Whatever will come out of me now,with 50 degree drop in temperature in less than 12 hours?🙂Stay tuned 2-28-24

‘As Above As Below’ 30”x30” oil
‘As Above As Below’ 30”x30” oil

St. Augustine Beach, Florida 2024 during spring break. The tides high so the beach is covered in beach goers and land, water, sky and the people all become one.

‘Back to the Beach’ 24”x20” oil
‘Back to the Beach’ 24”x20” oil

It’s St. Augustine Beach, Fl. and we ran out to the beach to watch the sunrise on a grey day just before we haeded back to Illinois.

‘Boys on the Rocks 1’ 40”x30” oil
‘Boys on the Rocks 1’ 40”x30” oil

We found this oasis at Fort Zachary Taylor, at the corner where the fort and picnic beach areas merge. My first thought was Henry Tuke Scott, I have to paint this. Working title, "Boys on the Rocks, Make Mine a Double" haha

‘River Mist’ 24”x36” oil
‘River Mist’ 24”x36” oil

This is one of the many many parks we hop around to with the pups. It's Bennet Park, Geneva Il. looking north down the Fox River. This past winter 2024.

‘Irises & Yellow Cress” 30”x30” mixed media
‘Irises & Yellow Cress” 30”x30” mixed media

Sometimes you need go no further than your front yard. Such is the case here, painting and waiting for the irises to be in full blossom.

'Salt Shed Presents The Decemberist’s’ 12”x24” oil
'Salt Shed Presents The Decemberist’s’ 12”x24” oil

It was out 5th time seeing the Decemberists live, another live streaming & our 3rd time at the Salt Shed since it opened in 2023. Live music is an awesome thing.

Aragon After Midnight 12"x24" oil
Aragon After Midnight 12"x24" oil

We had been at the Aragon Ballroom twice in June 2024 in about 4 day timeframe. Once to See Jacob Collier, then to see Orville Pech, both fantastic high enbergy concerts. Here's my homage to those expreoiences.

‘River Bend Park’ 20”x24” oil
‘River Bend Park’ 20”x24” oil

The Illinois prairie wildflowers are blooming like crazy lush this year, here at the park We walk daily.

‘Serenity’ 30”x 30” oil
‘Serenity’ 30”x 30” oil

A meditation on peace, love & light.

Moomage Daydream  24"X20" OIL
Moomage Daydream 24"X20" OIL

I had wanted to paint a nocturne and the field across the street provided ample inspiration for this piece.

Fox River View 12"x24" oil
Fox River View 12"x24" oil

A friend took a photo of a Bald Eagle perched overlooking the Fox River, so I decided top translate it into paint.

Art Institute Chicago, 24"x36" mixed media
Art Institute Chicago, 24"x36" mixed media

One of my most favorite places in Chicago. I am inspired.

Endownment~Go Fish 20"x20" oil
Endownment~Go Fish 20"x20" oil

My eldest neieces 3 children provided ample inspiration for this blissful summer day and those childhood memories.

Back To The Beach, 20"x20" oil
Back To The Beach, 20"x20" oil

I love watching the sunrise & set upon the waters horizon line. The vastness of the plain and the amazong colors are uniqur everytime, beyond the immense serenity of the moment, it also provides me with a hush as I ponder the awe & wonder of being.

Millie, Mather & the London Guarantee 24"x36" mixed media
Millie, Mather & the London Guarantee 24"x36" mixed media

check out my blog Art, Nature & Soul #90 for the backgroud story on this piece/

‘Chicago Harbor Light’ 20”x20” oil
‘Chicago Harbor Light’ 20”x20” oil

We had went on a boat tour of Chicago, when I got this photo capture. One I had decided to translate into paint. On Lake Michigan both a beautiful & treacherous body of water.

‘Thy Neighbor’ 9”x12” oil
‘Thy Neighbor’ 9”x12” oil

Watch for an upcoming post & blog for the backstory on this piece, Art, Nature & sSoul #91

Soutbound Michigan Ave. 20"x20" oil
Soutbound Michigan Ave. 20"x20" oil

I had painted a northbound in front of the Art Institute Chicago in June. The lion bronzes had been cleaned up over the last year or so and it seemed they were posing for me, so a southbound on Michigan Ave. was needed as well.

The Hancock 30"x30" mixed media
The Hancock 30"x30" mixed media

The John Hancock Building with the ferris wheel in the foreground on Navy Pier as observed from a boat on Lake Michigan provided ample inspiration for this piece.

The Canteen 20”x20” oil
The Canteen 20”x20” oil

A great little place with a view, to stop for a lobster roll, some fried pickles and a beer, even on a grey day, out in Ptown & thats MacMillan Warf in the distance.

Pecos Ruin 20”x20” oil
Pecos Ruin 20”x20” oil

A bit of Spanish & Peublo history ourtside of Santa Fe. One day I set up and painted it. There were "Danger Rattlesnake" signs thoughout. I suspect they were more to keep people from removing the structure, but you do never know, do you?

 ‘Nambe’ Waterfall’ 20”x20” oil
‘Nambe’ Waterfall’ 20”x20” oil

One of the natural areas we visited while in Santa Fe NM. It was a more rugged climb then anticipated and I had decided on going full contemporary impressionist with the translation into paint.

‘Cliffs at Nambe’ 30”x30” oil
‘Cliffs at Nambe’ 30”x30” oil

This is one of several places we hiked while in the Santa Fe New Mexico area 2024. I had painted the Nambe Falls while there and this piece in the home studio. Whether or not I'm plein air painting I strive for a more direct approach with a sense of urgency.

The Pond 20"x20" oil
The Pond 20"x20" oil

The pond behind my home provides a lot of inspiration. I sometimes wish that it faced the pond and that I had a balcony that overlooked it. Then I’d paint it more regularly in a Monet succession of seasons.

SOLD ‘Nevermore’ 30”x30” oil
SOLD ‘Nevermore’ 30”x30” oil

Between a conversation with a birder in Santa Fe NM regarding the honored Raven, a trip down Canyon Road through the art galleries, the approach of October & the harvest, & my long love of the Raven or Crow spurred my inspirarion to create this fusion of thought and ideas, allowing the abstraction of filtering light. The title is of course a reference to Poe and his poem, The Raven.

‘Light & Color When Darkness Falls’ 20”x20” oil
‘Light & Color When Darkness Falls’ 20”x20” oil

I was out doing my morning walk with the pups, trying to decide on what t o paint. I had just been to the Copernicus Center to see a concert, took some photos. Post election I looked around at this gloomy grey rainy day and thought, Paint it. so I did. Then thought, “I always like walking in the rain. so nobody can see me crying.” Charlie Chaplan

SOLD Mediations on Hope’ 30”x30” oil
SOLD Mediations on Hope’ 30”x30” oil

About a decade ago, I was out on one of my first Cape Cod adventures. Early one morning we were packing up and getting ready to head back home. We walked out to the beach to say our good byes to the ocean and it was covered in a dense fog. I got my camera and took about 20 photos. When I got home I began a series of paintings entitled meditations. I painted about a dozen pieces, had several exhibits around the Chicago area in which many were included. Most have sold over the years. This morning I ran across the photos I took and was inspired once again. The vibe is a bit different than the first ones and I hope you enjoy this one’s too.

Reaching for the Sky 12"x24" oil
Reaching for the Sky 12"x24" oil

An overcast day as we near the forest preserve on a mid fall day provided the inspiration for this piece. A flicker of color & light.

Fall Paths’ 12”x24” oil
Fall Paths’ 12”x24” oil

Pratt Wayne Woods in Wayne Il. one of our spring /fall haunts, makes for an inspirational place to paint.

Big Sur 24"x24" oil
Big Sur 24"x24" oil

One of my nieces was at Big Sur and one of the photos inspired me to translate it into paint and emotion.

SOLD Arcada Theater 12"x24" oil
SOLD Arcada Theater 12"x24" oil

It’s a live music venue we go to at least once a year, sometimes more. Most recently it was a blast from the past to see Tommy James & The Shondells.

Last Colors 12”x24” oil
Last Colors 12”x24” oil

The park I walk with the pups everyday, provides an wealth of inspiration all year round.

‘Windmills in My Mind’ 24”x24” oil
‘Windmills in My Mind’ 24”x24” oil

A recent visit to Mt. Emblem Cemetery inspired this piece. This was considered the most beautiful cemetery in Illinois when I was growing up. It has a wonderful English Tudor building & Windmill that surrounded be wonderfully sculpted hedges overlooks the pond that once had a mated pair of swans in it overseeing the beautifully landscaped grounds.

‘Snowbirds’ 12”x24” oil
‘Snowbirds’ 12”x24” oil

Here’s the Sandhills Cranes in the winter pond behind my home.

Freedom 24"x24" oil
Freedom 24"x24" oil

5 pelican fly above the Atlantic ocean and nothing seems freeing.

‘Morrissey-SOLD OUT-The Genesee Theater , 24”x24” oil
‘Morrissey-SOLD OUT-The Genesee Theater , 24”x24” oil

After several try’s we finally saw Morrissey perform t the Genesee Theater. He was as expected, awesome. Here’s my take on the theater and marquee.

‘Green River, Downtown Chicago’ 24”x24” oil
‘Green River, Downtown Chicago’ 24”x24” oil

Over the summer 2024 I had taken a Chicago River architectural tour and took lots of photo captures for references for potential paintings. On this day I couldn’t decide between representational or abstract when a got ready to paint. I had a palette in mind and here’s what happened.

'Pan of Arcadia' 30"x30" oil
'Pan of Arcadia' 30"x30" oil

Inspired by current events, a personal happening, followed by a great read “sacred Disobedience” by Sharon L. Coogan and a call of the wild.

‘Last Snow’ 24”x30” oil
‘Last Snow’ 24”x30” oil

The park I walk daily with the pups provides year round inspiration. The overcast and morning breakthrough light with its shades of blue really did it for me on this occasion.

‘Chicago’ 30”x30” oil
‘Chicago’ 30”x30” oil

A favorite view of mine, from Lake Michigan To Chicago skyline, flanked by the Sears (Willis) Tower and John Hancock, with so many of the newer buildings and skyscrapers as seen the summer of 2024, with the Vista Tower front and center, formerly known as St. Regis

‘The Nederlander’ 12”x24” oil
‘The Nederlander’ 12”x24” oil

We were over at the Goodman Theater to see the play “Betrayal” and do dinner at Petteroni’s when I the Marquee and captured a photo to work from.

It was The Oriental Theater, then The Ford Theater of the Performing Arts, as of 2019, it’s The Nederlander…I’ve seen many great plays there, America Idiot was a favorite, it was an updated variation of Hair, but brought to you by Green Day.

SOLD 'Vanishing Point', 24"x24" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Morning Mist', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'Days End', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'Race Point', 24"x24: oil on canvas
SOLD 'On the Rocks', 24"x24" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Walking the Beach', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'Surfs Up', 36"x36" oil on canavs
'Migration', 48"x28.5" oil on canvas
SOLD 'The Windy', 18"x18" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Meditations on Flight', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Lemme' Take You to the Beach', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Behold the Dusk', 36"x36" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Blue Haze' 24"x24" oil on canvas   (On exhibition 'BLUE' at  Jackson Junge Gallery    1389 N Milwaukee Avenue   Chicago, Illinois  60622   from Sept. 20  -Oct. 20 2019)
'The Cove', 18"x18" oil on canavs
SOLD 'Tides',  18"x18" oil on canvas
'Horizons', 12'x12" oil on canvas
'Morning Glow', 36"x36" oil on canvas
SOLD 'End of the Pier', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'Morning Flicker', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'The Whale Watcher', 18"x18" oil on canvas
'Hovering Cormorant', 36"x36" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Meditations on Love #1' 18"x8" oil on canvas
'A Meditation', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Strangers in the Fog', 24"x24" oil on canvas.
SOLD 'Boy at the Beach', 30"x20" ol on canvas
SOLD 'Meditations on Love #2', 18"x18" oil on canvas
'Sunbather', 13.5"x6.5" oil on canvas
'Evening Tide', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Ptown at a Glance', 30"x30" oil on canvas
SOLD 'Study of the Morning Star', 12"x12" oil on canvas
'Summer Heat', 24"x24" oil on canvas
'Flight of the Brown Pelican', 12"x12" oil on canvas
'Flock of Seagulls', 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Rolling with the Tide', 18"x18" oil on canvas
SOLD 'At the Pond', 24"x20" oil on canvas
'Chicago Is', 48"x36", oil on canvas
'Moonlight Surfer', 16"x20" oil on board
'Green Surf Board', 20"x16" oil on board
Good Day Sunshine, 16"x20", oil on board
'Daydreamer', 20"x16" oil on board
'Light & Sahdow', 12"x24" oil
'Let's Go Swimming' 12"x24" oil
Finding His Wings, 20"x20" oil
Adrift, 20"x20" oil on canvas
'Passing Brant Light, Nantucket', 20"x20" oil on canvas
'Waiting', 12"x24" oil on canvas
'Beach Hut', 18"x18" oil on canavs
'A Walk on the Beach', 18"x14" oil on canvas
'Rooftops of Nantucket', 18"x18" oil on canvas
'Serenity', 24"x18" oil on canvas
'Island Light', 20"x20"  oil on canvas
'Morning Light', 20"x20" oil on canvas
'Along Gitche Gumee', 40"x40" mixed media on canvas
'Kayakers at Miners Beach', 18"x14" oil on canvas
'Superior, Inland Sea' 40"x40" oil on canvas
'Translations' 24"x18" oil on canvas
'Calm Harbor' 18"x18" oil
Kiss the Sky 30"x30" oil
Hang Ten, 24"x24" oil
Quiet Harbor 24"x24" oil
Sea Turtle Surfacing, 18"x18" oil
'Dune Crest' 18"x18" oil
Hope Floats 24"x24" oil on canvas
Daybreak, 30"x30" oil on canvas
American Crow Homage  30"x30" oil on canvas
Let Me Take You To The Beach 36"x36" oil on wood
The Boys 30"x30" oil
’Fog, Color, & Light’ 24”x24” oil
’Wading For The Sun’ 24”x24” oil
That Toddlin’ Town Impression 10 ft. X4 ft. Mixed Media Triptych,
The Country Club, 48"x24" oil on canvas
My Own Paradise 30”x30” oil on canvas
‘Morning Fight’ 48”x24” oil
'Clouds Roll By' 24"x24"  oil
‘Dog Day Afternoon’ 24”x30” oil on canvas
The Great Escape 24"x30" oil on canvas
Sunset Beach 24"x30" oil on canvas
The Clearing 36"x36" oil on canvas
'Autumns Bounty' 24"x30" oil on canvas
Seaside Biking 24"x30" oil
SOLD Racing the Sun 40"x30" oil
Light & Color on a Gray Day 30"x24" oil
Boats Against the Current 40"x30" oil
Light & Shadow 30"x30" oil
SOLD Fleeting Moments 12"x24" oil
Island Paradise 60"x20" oil
SOLD Pals 12"x24" oil
The View 12"x24" oil
SOLD Historic Water Tower 12"x24" oil
Caverns 24"x24" oil
SOLD ‘Tulips Along the Pathway’ 24”x24” oil
Spring Fields at Dawn "12x24" oil
‘Sandbar Sunbathers’ 40”x30” oil
'Lifeguard's On Duty' 30"x30" oil
Walking 18"x36" oil
Falling Waters 18"x36" oil
Walk in the Woods, 18"x36" oil
SOLD Irises 30”x30" oil
Save the Whale 36"x18" oil
Wildflowers 30"x30" oil
The View 30"x30"oil
'Harvest Moon off Martha's Vineyard' "30x30" oil
Waiting for the Lobster Roll 24"x24" oil
Green on Gray, Lake Erie' 18"x18" oil
Bridge Over Erie Canal 24"x24" oil
Beacon 30"x30" oil
Potted Sunflowers 36"x36" oil
'Overlook' 24"x34" oil
Georgia On My Mind 12”x20” oil
Good Morning 30"x30" oil
New Day 30"x30" oil
Sun, Moon & Pier 40"x16" oil
My Blue Heaven 40"x16" oil
SOLD/Donation, Stand With Ukraine 16"x40" oil
Dawn 24"x24" oil
Twilight, 24"x24" oil
‘Shoreline Seagull & Sand Pipers’ 30"x30” oil
'Great Blue Heron' 40"x30" oil
‘Flight & Light’ 24”x24” oil
Chicago Theater-Sold Out 22"x28" oil
Endowment `The Paths Ahead 22"x28" oil
The Visible 16"x40" oil
‘Race Point Lighthouse’ 48”x36” oil
Rooftops of Ptown 30"x30" oil
Bohemia 40"x40" oil
Three of a Kind 28"x22" oil
‘It’s a Long, Long Road’ 24”x24” oil
‘Nature, Lightness & Being’ 30”X30” oil
Lily Lake 40"x20" oil
SOLD ‘The  Majestic’ 30”x24” oil
‘Misty Meadow’ 30”x24” oil
Serenity 30"x30" oil
SOLD ‘Rainy Day Chicago’ 24”x30” oil
Great Blue Heron 24"x30" oil
‘Cliffs at Highland Light’ 30”x30” oil
‘MACK’s a 1st Snow’ 24”x24” oil
Contemplation & the Seer' 24"x 20" oil
'Breakfast's Ready' 24"x20" oil
‘The Paramount Theater’ 20”x24” oil
‘Beacon’ 30”x30” oil
‘The Walk’ 30”x24” oil
'Within Reach' 24"x24" oil
Salt Shed, Chicago 24"x18" oil
The Bean, Chicago 24"x18" oil
Summer Beach Party 36"x24" oil
Little Rascal 24"x18' oil
Welcome to Provincetown 30"x30" oil
‘Springtime Park Dweller’ 12”x24” oil
‘Summer Blossoms’ 12”x24” oil
‘Light on an Overcast Day’ 12”x24” oil
A separate Peace 30"x40" oil on canvas
‘River Light’ 24”x18” oil
 SOLD ‘On the  Fox’ 18”x24” oil
‘The Aragon’ 12”x24” oil
‘Eisenhower to Chicago’ 24”x20” oil
 ‘Calypso’ 24”x20” oil
‘Good Morning America’ 24”x20” oil
Sirens, Harpies & the Maiden of Nauset Beach 24"x24" oil
‘Schooner Out of Ptown’ 30”x24” oil
‘One of the Boys’ 24”x24” oil
‘An Early Frost’ 24”x20” oil
CHITOWN 18"cx24" oil
‘Midwest Sunset’ 18”x24” oil
 ‘Christmas Carol at the Goodman’ 12”x24” oil
‘All Are Welcome, U.U. Geneva’ 24”x18” oil
Long Point Light 10"x10" oil
‘A Frosty Morn’ 24”x18” oil
Cliffs at Nauset Beach 10"x10" oil
‘Winter Glow’ 12”x24” oil
‘Sublimation in Blue’ 24” x18” oil
‘Golden Hour’ 24”x12” oil
‘Winter Thaw’ 20”x24” oil
‘Nocturne: 875 North Michigan Avenue’ 30”x30” mixed media on canvas
A Dog's Life 24"x24" mised media
SOLD Chicago Shakespeare Theater 12”x24” oil
‘Red Roof’ 20”x24” oil
‘As Above As Below’ 30”x30” oil
‘Back to the Beach’ 24”x20” oil
‘Boys on the Rocks 1’ 40”x30” oil
‘River Mist’ 24”x36” oil
‘Irises & Yellow Cress” 30”x30” mixed media
'Salt Shed Presents The Decemberist’s’ 12”x24” oil
Aragon After Midnight 12"x24" oil
‘River Bend Park’ 20”x24” oil
‘Serenity’ 30”x 30” oil
Moomage Daydream  24"X20" OIL
Fox River View 12"x24" oil
Art Institute Chicago, 24"x36" mixed media
Endownment~Go Fish 20"x20" oil
Back To The Beach, 20"x20" oil
Millie, Mather & the London Guarantee 24"x36" mixed media
‘Chicago Harbor Light’ 20”x20” oil
‘Thy Neighbor’ 9”x12” oil
Soutbound Michigan Ave. 20"x20" oil
The Hancock 30"x30" mixed media
The Canteen 20”x20” oil
Pecos Ruin 20”x20” oil
 ‘Nambe’ Waterfall’ 20”x20” oil
‘Cliffs at Nambe’ 30”x30” oil
The Pond 20"x20" oil
SOLD ‘Nevermore’ 30”x30” oil
‘Light & Color When Darkness Falls’ 20”x20” oil
SOLD Mediations on Hope’ 30”x30” oil
Reaching for the Sky 12"x24" oil
Fall Paths’ 12”x24” oil
Big Sur 24"x24" oil
SOLD Arcada Theater 12"x24" oil
Last Colors 12”x24” oil
‘Windmills in My Mind’ 24”x24” oil
‘Snowbirds’ 12”x24” oil
Freedom 24"x24" oil
‘Morrissey-SOLD OUT-The Genesee Theater , 24”x24” oil
‘Green River, Downtown Chicago’ 24”x24” oil
'Pan of Arcadia' 30"x30" oil
‘Last Snow’ 24”x30” oil
‘Chicago’ 30”x30” oil
‘The Nederlander’ 12”x24” oil
SOLD 'Vanishing Point', 24"x24" oil on canvas

In Cape Cod looking along the shoreline as the tide rolls in and the sand disappears below the surf.

SOLD 'Morning Mist', 24"x24" oil on canvas

Before the ocean seas horizon,a lone sail boat drifts, as the sun burns off the morning fog.

'Days End', 24"x24" oil on canvas

As the sun sets upon the Atlantic coast, the towns silhouette appears and a lone fisherman reels in his catch of the day.

'Race Point', 24"x24: oil on canvas

A gentle rise in the sand, a seperation in the shrubs, a path to the edge of a bluff that over looks the Atlantic across to sandbar where Race Point Light is a beacon, not just for ships, but the whales that are there to feed. 

SOLD 'On the Rocks', 24"x24" oil on canvas

On the east coast on these rocky shores of the Atlantic stands this beacon of hope to travelers.

SOLD 'Walking the Beach', 24"x24" oil on canvas

An overcast day, walking the pups on the beach, a small pool of water stands still and is reflecting the figures, whos cares have went out with the tide.     

'Surfs Up', 36"x36" oil on canavs

A cool suuny day, January in St. Augustine Florida. This can be any beach where nothing stops the thrill seeker and adventerous.

'Migration', 48"x28.5" oil on canvas

Two years ago we were in St Augustine Florida and they were celebrating 450 years of history, when I took a reference photo to do this painting. It is the oldest european settled town in the country. It was settled initially by the Spanish. Most if not all of us (our ancestors) immigrated here at some point. This is indeed what made and continues to make our country great!

SOLD 'The Windy', 18"x18" oil on canvas

The Chicago Lighthouse on Lake Michigan, where tall ship, 'The Windy' sets sail for yet another adventure. 

SOLD 'Meditations on Flight', 36"x36" oil on canvas

A cool but balmy morning in St Augustine, Florida, these gulls are in flight formation for destinations unkown.  

'Lemme' Take You to the Beach', 36"x36" oil on canvas

A friend modeled for this piece, where freedoms are expressed in relation to a trip out east in Ptown. 

'Behold the Dusk', 36"x36" oil on canvas

A hot summer days end, the rolling of the tide, light reflects off the surface or is it an Abstract with a horizon line? You to decide. 

SOLD 'Blue Haze' 24"x24" oil on canvas (On exhibition 'BLUE' at Jackson Junge Gallery 1389 N Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60622 from Sept. 20 -Oct. 20 2019)

Over the Atlantic two birds fly across the sky, high above the rolling sea, in a vast endless 'Blue Haze' while a lone boat sails on.   

'The Cove', 18"x18" oil on canavs

It's early spring and another day's closing. Will their be a tomorrow and what will it bring? Breath it all in and be here for it.

SOLD 'Tides', 18"x18" oil on canvas

St. Augustine, Florida where the North Atlantic Right Whale calving grounds are and many species of sea turtles nest. It's a new day and all things are possible. 

'Horizons', 12'x12" oil on canvas

One persons sunrise is anothers sunset. One persons seascape is anothers abstract.

'Morning Glow', 36"x36" oil on canvas

A foggy morning walk, the sky, sand and sea merge and the couple disaapear over the horizon

SOLD 'End of the Pier', 24"x24" oil on canvas

St. Augustine, Florida, where whale and sea turtle are born. Stay here high upon the pier and you may just be lucky enough to see one pass by. 

'Morning Flicker', 24"x24" oil on canvas

Watching the sun rise over the Atlantic. There's no better way to start the day.

'The Whale Watcher', 18"x18" oil on canvas

Spring 2017~ We were out east on Cape Cod to do some whale watching and see the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. The ocean was teaming with an abundance of food and sea life, it was amazing. These majestic giants are at a cusp of survival. On our way back we stopped at Nauset beach, where I saw this person sitting on a rock, staring out at the sea, hoping to catch a glimpse of this vanishing creature. A  serene and pensive moment.

'Hovering Cormorant', 36"x36" oil on canvas

Blue on blue, a monocromatic study of the sky, sand and sea with a single bird skimming and reflecting off the surface. 

SOLD 'Meditations on Love #1' 18"x8" oil on canvas

Love, loss and grief, the memories are with us in many forms.  

'A Meditation', 36"x36" oil on canvas

Inspired by the ocean, beach and sky, but is it a seascape or an abstract? Well that's for you to decide. A gentle, serene and peacful piece and place, to be sure.   

'Strangers in the Fog', 24"x24" oil on canvas.

First light of the day, a heavy fog, a salty mist sprays off the ocean, a  gulls voice echoes and the two figures meet or do they simply pass each other by.

SOLD 'Boy at the Beach', 30"x20" ol on canvas

Saw this scene and it brought back memories. A summer day, all the wonder of the ocean, the beach, the possibilties and what I could create, with just a bucket and shovel inspired by the world around imagination.   

SOLD 'Meditations on Love #2', 18"x18" oil on canvas

Imagine walking along the Atlantic coast, nothing but the morning light, the sound of the surf, the salty mist and a lone seagull squacks out a single note.

'Sunbather', 13.5"x6.5" oil on canvas

A sunny spring day at the beach. Listen carefully to the sounds: ocean waves, the wind, and the birds above.

'Evening Tide', 36"x36" oil on canvas

End of the day, where shadow and light meet.

'Ptown at a Glance', 30"x30" oil on canvas

Several miles out of town, on a sunny day, when the tides out, here's what can be seen looking along the peninsulas end. The pilgrim monument towers over Ptown, as a symbol of freedom sought, from oppression and tyrranical rule, as we did when it was first colonized.

SOLD 'Study of the Morning Star', 12"x12" oil on canvas

Beyond the dunes silhouette, a horizon line, and the morning sun burst with all things possible.

'Summer Heat', 24"x24" oil on canvas

The Atlantic ocean and sky as the sun begins to set on a steamy day or elements of design; point,line, shape, form, space, color and texture, you decide.

'Flight of the Brown Pelican', 12"x12" oil on canvas

At days end, in St Augustine, Florida, several Brown Pelicans fly along the ocean shores. Break it down in to its essential design elements, an abstract or perhaps a hidden message, uncoded.   

'Flock of Seagulls', 36"x36" oil on canvas

Sunrises over the Atlantic and a large 'Flock of Seagulls' pass overhead. A good day.

'Rolling with the Tide', 18"x18" oil on canvas

The day begins or perhaps is ending, the tide rolls in and rolls out, today is another day. 

SOLD 'At the Pond', 24"x20" oil on canvas

This is the fifth season these wonderful birds have visited the pond behind our home. A mated pair of Sand Hill Cranes come every spring, have 1 or 2 chicks and  raise them over the season. We've become quite familar with them, photograph them often and they seem like family at this point. This time of year they begin their flight training, for their migration south, until hopefully they return for yet another season.

'Chicago Is', 48"x36", oil on canvas

Chicago has a Tall Ships event, off Navy Pier, regularly and it's very own 'The Windy' that tours the Chicago, Lake Michigan area giving historical tours. On one occasion I was out on 'The Windy' and captured several images ship to shore the Sears/Willis tower to John Hancock, with Chicago Lighthouse in the foregroundand Navy Pier off to the right. 'Chicago Is' my kind of town.

'Moonlight Surfer', 16"x20" oil on board

Off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida, in the Atlantic ocean there's an evolving dedicated group of surfers. Combing the beaches, you can find them just before sinrise until right after sundown when surfs up, they're catching a wave. This surfer was catching his final wave of the day.  

'Green Surf Board', 20"x16" oil on board

All the anticipation and hopes of catching that ultimate wave and riding it, but alas the surfs have subsided. The tides are rolling out and he'll try again tomorrow. 

Good Day Sunshine, 16"x20", oil on board

What sometimes looks to be the sun setting is really the sun rising. The day opens and it closes, one on to the other, just be there for it and take it all in. 

'Daydreamer', 20"x16" oil on board

The warmth of the sun, a light breeze, the salt of the ocean mist, the sound of waves rolling in on the beach, he's lost in thought and daydreaming of some great discovery that his days explorations have revealed. Then a voice calls out, it's his mother and today, in this moment, all is well with the world.  

'Light & Sahdow', 12"x24" oil

A simplified and direct approach, conveying an ethereal silhouette, as the sun beams across the ocean casting a shadow on the sand. 

'Let's Go Swimming' 12"x24" oil

Rushing down the beach, he waits in quiet anticipation. But hurry now, time is fleeting.

Finding His Wings, 20"x20" oil

Out at the beach on the Atlantic Coast, just taking it all in, the sights, sounds, smells, and thoughts. A gull lifts off and I remember a story from when I was growing up, “Johnathon Livingston Seagull,” I presume and am inspired.

Adrift, 20"x20" oil on canvas

A dense fog engulfs all land, water and sky are bearly disguishable and a lone boat, bob’s gently in the sea as the sun disappears somewhere in the mist. Alone, a sense of Isolation begins to set in, but you are present and realize you are connected to the ubiquitous all.

'Passing Brant Light, Nantucket', 20"x20" oil on canvas

We left Hyannis on the Cape, upon the Steam Ship Authority, car, dogs and ourselves all aboard, headed toward Nantucket island. The seas were slightly choppy and a light drizzle fell as our 2 hour tour ended pulling into the harbor. The rain stopped, clouds began to disapate and as we got closer the shoreline full of houses , sail boats leaving the harbor appeared, and Brant light circa 1746, stands as sentry to welcome us our arrival.

'Waiting', 12"x24" oil on canvas

The Atlantic coast, St. Augustine Florida, the beach is marked North Atlantic Right Whales and a variety of endangered sea turtle migrate, and populate along this area. It’s also an area where you can catch a wave when the tides swell. This surfer stands looking out into the vast sea searching for a wave or maybe something else, you decide.

'Beach Hut', 18"x18" oil on canavs

Out at the very tip of Cape Cod, at Race Point, you can sit for hours taking in the sun, the sand & the sea, most times I've been out there you can see pods of whales from shore as they pass by feeding.

'A Walk on the Beach', 18"x14" oil on canvas

Last year, April 2017, during a road trip we stopped off at Nauset Beach on the Cape. There was an elderly woman sitting on a giant slap rock on the beach. I did a painting of her gazing out upon the sea, entitled 'The Whale Watcher'. This year, May 2018, we stopped off again and there she was, only this time she had already enjoyed her time on the beach and had begun her ascent , walking back up the trail, to the cliffs that oversee this area, the beach, the vast ocean & sky. Just another day in her life, but a moment captured for me.

'Rooftops of Nantucket', 18"x18" oil on canvas

An amazing veiw from cupola to deck, atop the whale museum, on Nantucket. A foggy and misty day, the grey day seemed well suited to the buildings and homes, 100, 200 years or older on this spring day.

'Serenity', 24"x18" oil on canvas

Out at the point, just hours before dusk, a peaceful moment captured, as the tide gently covers the beach, clouds are still, a slight fog bank rolls in off the ocean and several cormorants fly along the shore line.

'Island Light', 20"x20" oil on canvas

Exploring Nantucket island, Brant Light still stands as one of the oldest harbor sentries in the country. Just off Cape Cod, I imagine, days gone by when the harbor was full of tall ships and whalers. Now the lighthouse stands as a beacon to our nations history and a welcome sign for those who dare to explore and discover it.

'Morning Light', 20"x20" oil on canvas

About 6am at St. Augustine Beach, off the Atlantic Coast, a cruise ship passes the horizon and a small flock of pelicans are out in search of breakfast. An amazing and abundant amount of colors flicker, dance in my eyes, and the day begins.

'Along Gitche Gumee', 40"x40" mixed media on canvas

We discovered this place, for ourselves, over 15 years ago, on a Lake Michigan Circle Tour. Once we arrived at north end of the lake we decided to drive across the U.P. There we found the Picture Rock National Shores, between Munising and Grand Marais, 'Along Gitche Gumee', that's Lake Superior to you and me. It's translation from its Ojibwe Indian name, means "the shining blue sea water." It quickly became a favorite place to go to, toward the end of summer when it hosts an art & music festival. So much beauty, so little time.

'Kayakers at Miners Beach', 18"x14" oil on canvas

Between the 50 mile stretch, from Munising to Grand Marais, MI, along the Picture Rock National Shores, the many hiking trails lead to an abundance of, forest, falls, cliffs & beaches. One such area and adventure has 'Kayakers at Miners Beach'. I’ve been painting this are for over 15 years now.

'Superior, Inland Sea' 40"x40" oil on canvas

On Lake Superior at Grand Marais, Michigan, the waters can become as violent as an oceans and fits the criteria for being a sea, except it is not a salt water body. One evening we went out to the edge of the pennisula to watch a storm roll in. The clouds were pitch black, the winds had picked up and the waters behind us were crazy turbulent. The clouds were moving fast, north toward us, but just before they reached us the blew off to the east, the rest of the evening was clear and the waters raged on, leaving me full of awe.

'Translations' 24"x18" oil on canvas

A day at a time, the sun rises and sets, be there for it. As an artist the medium is the message of our interpretations. We translate our visual and emotional response via the medium to convey our experience and to share it. For me there is nothing more sublime then a sunrise/sunset, one long meditative breath, inhalling deeply, exhaling slowly, in a heartbeat.

'Calm Harbor' 18"x18" oil

U.P. Michigan at Grand Marais on Lake Superior, there's a small protected harbor where by, as stormy as this body of water can be, this area is relatively safe. The morning broke after a storm and here's the calm.

Kiss the Sky 30"x30" oil

One time, about 5 years ago, I was out on a whale watch off the tip of Cape Cod. There was a pod of about 20-25 Humpback Whales. They are an especially smart and social specie of whale. They often, swim, feed, and breach in groups of three or so. On this occassion they were firing off and breaching, across the horizon, 10, 12 & 2 O’Clock, one after the other. This painting is based on my first photo capture of a whale breach and my excitment of being there.

Hang Ten, 24"x24" oil

As the day begins to come to a close, the tide swells, & one lone surfer slides in on wave to shore. St Augustine Beach Florida is a year round haven for beachcombers, sea turtles, North Atlantic Right Whale & surfer dudes, & dudettes catching a wave.

Quiet Harbor 24"x24" oil

About half way between St. Augustine Florida and the Kennedy Space Center along the eastern coast, we discovered this harbor. Late afternoon, when we arrived, it was teaming with exotic birds, dolphin & manatee. Toward the end of the day, as the sun began to set, all became quiet, as the hussle and bussel of the day, settled down ot this ‘Quiet Harbor’.

Sea Turtle Surfacing, 18"x18" oil

It seems where ever we go, there they are, the sea turtle, a favorite of my sisters. A few years ago Cape Cod Harbor was teaming with an abundance of food, drawing an abundance of sea creatures to feed, even the sea turtle. St. Augustine Beach Florida is a nesting area for these creatures. Earlier this year, 2019, we were in Key West and stopped at the aquarium, where several of them have been rescued, rehabbed and set back to sea. This one had been rescued several times from ship strike & fishing lines. That kind of tenacity deserves recognition.

'Dune Crest' 18"x18" oil

High upon the dune crest in North Truro, Massachusetts you can see for miles and miles. Beyond the dunes, the shrubs, the road that leads to Ptown, the cottages, & the Atlantic, the view, a scene awaits, while the fleeting light is captured in a moment, in our imagination.

Hope Floats 24"x24" oil on canvas

One evening, we ran down to the ocean to watch the sunset. Cause that’s what one does, to catch it setting upon a vast horizon. In this case , it didn’t so much dip below the horizon line as it sunk beneath the lavender haze , wafting up into the sky. A truly stunning color and light show to behold.

Daybreak, 30"x30" oil on canvas

These late summer/early fall morning walks are a speactacular light show. The light, the color, as the sun rises & over 15-20 minutes it's better than any fireworks, to be sure! This is an area we walk daily.

American Crow Homage 30"x30" oil on canvas

25 years ago, when I moved here, there was a farm across the street from my home. Every year, in the fall, during the harvest and soon after, an enormous flock of crows would fly over descend on the field for food. The angle of the light this time of year, the crispness of the air, makes for a fantastic array of colors, textures and movement.The West Nile virus took out the Crows and the farm is gone now too. But I remember and it's exhilarating to me

Let Me Take You To The Beach 36"x36" oil on wood

St Augustine Beach along the Atlantic coastline of Florida teams with beach folk for miles and miles. All day long you can find those sun bathing, otheres swimming, & surfing, still others playing frisbee, beer pong and of course, builders of castles and other dreams for this is where ocean meets land meets sky, all seemingly endless.

The Boys 30"x30" oil

It’s March 2020, St. Augustine Beach, Fl. is open to swimmers, surfers & beach combers….and some catching rays.

’Fog, Color, & Light’ 24”x24” oil

Early spring, late April, We were out walking the pups, camera in hand. A most ethereal landscape revealed itself by way of fog, light and color. I captured a wonderful photograph of it then went about translating it in oil paint. Here’s the result.

’Wading For The Sun’ 24”x24” oil

I paint plein air, from imagination & from photographic references. In this case I had taken 2 photos. One of the 3 guys having an afternoon swim & the other at the crack of dawn. I merged the images into a painting that suggests, either dusk or dawn, any ocean & sky, plus a more ambiguous nature of the people wading out to sea, to capture the essence of being.

That Toddlin’ Town Impression 10 ft. X4 ft. Mixed Media Triptych,

See the light before the color.

Chicago is that toddlin town for me. From sailing, boating tours & the beaches of Lake Michigan, to the many concert venues, play & opera theaters, to the great museums, clubs & restaurants. Let's not forget the awesome art galleries! On some lists it's the #1 dog friendly city in the country & awalk on Navy Pier will prove that. Chicago leaves an impression each & every time we visit.

The Country Club, 48"x24" oil on canvas

I've driven past this golf course many many times over the 25 years I've lived here in St. Charles, just off route 25 and have often thought about painting it. So now I have. We're having a record number of days in the 90s & a fair amount of rain, so everything is lush, including the St. Charles Country Club.

My Own Paradise 30”x30” oil on canvas

We all have a favorite spot. a space that just feels good. For me, its at the beach, the sound of the surf, the smells, the sights, as I look beyond the horizon.

‘Morning Fight’ 48”x24” oil

A mid fall morning, at a place I walk & visit daily. The air is crisp, and the sun has broke just above the tree line. The angle of the light, creates a glow, across the field and if you look closely reveals 4 Sand Hill Cranes in flight traingin, lifting off to the south.

'Clouds Roll By' 24"x24" oil

Most see the color, but if you look for the light, the true colors reveal themselves. Sitting at the beach at sunset, the ever changing light, reveals a the colors like non other.

‘Dog Day Afternoon’ 24”x30” oil on canvas

Our pups love the beach. Out in Ptown’s at Herring Cove after a long run and play, this ones catching some rays and napping.

The Great Escape 24"x30" oil on canvas

Along the Atlantic Coast of Florida, from St Augustine to Key West there are several species of sea turtle that try against all odds to survive. If it’s not a battle against nature then its one against man’s shipping lanes, fishing nets or pollution.

Sunset Beach 24"x30" oil on canvas

This work was created live on video, demonstrating my en plein air from photogragh approach. Watch for it on youtube, facebook & linkedin.

The Clearing 36"x36" oil on canvas

We were at Starved Rock State Park, Il. earlier this fall, 2020. I captured a photo of an area deep within the woods. I recently decided to translate it into a painting, based on line, shape, color & texture. This is the context from which I worked on this piece, painting the painting.

'Autumns Bounty' 24"x30" oil on canvas

Fall 2020, the field across from my home provided the subject for this still-life artwork. Some had been sun dried other were in full bloom of their season. All the color, texture & patterns needed to create a wonderful composition.

Seaside Biking 24"x30" oil

Hiking and biking the shoreline along any great body of water, seems a meditative endeavor to me. The sights, sounds and smells, keep you earth bound as you look out upon the vast seas horizon.

SOLD Racing the Sun 40"x30" oil

It was a great day out on the sea, it’s now the end of a day sailing and your racing the sun for land, but no worries your compass will get you there in any event.

Light & Color on a Gray Day 30"x24" oil

To the average eye, it’s a overcast gray day along the Atlantic coast. But if you look closely for the light, it reveals the color that exists there too, as a lone person walks along the shoreline.

Boats Against the Current 40"x30" oil

The Wind, Water & Sky. You set your sail and go with the flow.

Light & Shadow 30"x30" oil

Sometimes white looks like the sunsetting is really the sun rising, the light and shadows of our mind revealed in images.

SOLD Fleeting Moments 12"x24" oil

Morning rises up over the treelines, for a flicker of light in a fleeting moment a lone hummingbird feeds.

Island Paradise 60"x20" oil

A tropical getaway, an 'Island Paradise' for some, a place in the mind for others, a serene and sacred space for us all.

SOLD Pals 12"x24" oil

A large open field, a cornstalks on the right create the passage as the trees off in the distance assure there’s room to roam. The 2 pups walk as they’ve done hundreds of times, the lush grasses that have been driven upon more than a few times. The blue sky, with a single glowing & billowy cloud assure us that these two ‘Pals’ will have lots of play time.

The View 12"x24" oil

There’s nothing like watching a sunrise or sunset, just being there for it, a day, a breath, a thought.

SOLD Historic Water Tower 12"x24" oil

The MCA Museum of Contemporary Art is just across the street from the Water Tower. When I saw on this occasion I knew I just had to paint it.

Caverns 24"x24" oil

The deep blue sea, the darkness of an undersea world, as illuminated by the flickering light from above. A place where representational meets abstract in the recesses of the mind.

SOLD ‘Tulips Along the Pathway’ 24”x24” oil

This brought back memories. When I was growing up, my father's parents, my grandparents had a very large front yard too. Rose bushes in the front of the house, below the windows, 2 climbing roses covered a working water pump turned into a wishing well & all along and lining the driveway, were hundreds and hundreds of tulips. There's lots of photos of my sister and I, toddlers, walking the field one Easter, mom & dad in tow.

Spring Fields at Dawn "12x24" oil

It’s early spring 2021 about 6:45 a.m. and the suns peaking above the horizon line at the nearby park. The light was intense as it beamed across the field.

‘Sandbar Sunbathers’ 40”x30” oil

Almost a decade ago, the first few times we went to Ptown, we stayed at the Breakwater Motel, ocean side. At low tide we liked to see how far we could walk out upon the sand. The ocean can be an ever changing and violent scape, on both sand and sea. However, when it was calm, it seemed you could walk out forever and sometimes, every now and then, the water would cut you off, creating a temporary little island shelf. You could set up for awhile, sit in a chair, walk the area, play in the water and mostly, just bask in the serenity of it all.

'Lifeguard's On Duty' 30"x30" oil

Maroni Beach along Cape Cod . A place we like to frequent on our way to Ptown.

Walking 18"x36" oil

One of the many trails in the U.P. along the 55 mile stretch of Picture Rock National Shores.

Falling Waters 18"x36" oil

Munising Falls is one of the many natural highlights at Picture Rock in the U.P. Michigan.

Walk in the Woods, 18"x36" oil

This is a forest preserve, 'Tekakwitha' by my home that I've been walking for over 26 years now. his spot is just before the a wood bridge that crosses a ravine that used to go to the nature center. The nature center was taken down about a decade ago, after the 08' crash, because being deep in the woods, the recently homeless were breaking in seeking shelter. A few years prior to it's removal, I had painted both the bridge and the nature center. I still walk the paths and time marches on too.

SOLD Irises 30”x30" oil

Between the recent 2020 Monet exhibit at the Art Institute Chicago and my long time love of Van Gogh, the Irises in my front yard provided a need of my expression, spring 2021.

Save the Whale 36"x18" oil

*The plight of the whales of the world are a cause near and dear to my heart. The many species along the eastern seaboard and particularly the North Atlantic Right Whale have a special place for me, as I've been following them from some of their feeding grounds, in Cape Cod, Massachusetts to their calving grounds around the St, Augustine, Florida, for nearly a decade now. If you've followed me for a while you know my meaning. After 2 recent documentary watches 'Entangled' and 'The Loneliest Whale', both excellent, I've decided to donate the total proceeds from the sale of this painting to Center of Coastal Studies Provincetown, as I've seen them in action numerous times and have even participated in an entangled whale rescue. Message me for further info on how to purchase this painting and help to 'Save the Whale'.

Wildflowers 30"x30" oil

I do a morning walk and evening walk with mu pups all year round. The primary area we walk is the park across the street from me. It’s about a 1 1/2 figure 8 walk depending on how you navigate it. The county forest preserve has done a great job of replanting the natural wildflowers of Illinois in an effort to bring back the birds, bee’s and butterflies. The prairie flowers were especially lush and colorful, summer 2021. Here my expression of it.

The View 30"x30"oil

A Plein-Air approach from a photo, most often alla-prima, has a direct matter-of-factness about them. I do an annual visit to Cape Cod, paint & get lots of references and photos for paintings. In 2020, with the covid pandemic, I cancelled our trip. Some friends that live there had poste some photos of them out at Race Point, at the end of the cape, which is a great place to whale watch from land and the inspiration for this piece.

'Harvest Moon off Martha's Vineyard' "30x30" oil

We had boarded the Steamship Authority Ferry leaving Martha’s Vineyard about 2 miles out, as the sun began to set for the day. It was September 19th, 2021 and the Harvest Moon had begun to rise. Luckily I had my camera with me a captured a beautiful scene of the the moon rising near an edge of the Island, one which had homes & a lighthouse a top the bluff. When I got back home, it was the first painting I created on a large canvas. Here are the results…enjoy.

Waiting for the Lobster Roll 24"x24" oil

A little restaurant called the CANTEEN, in Ptown Massachusetts. Here’s the view from the back patio while waiting for our Lobster Rolls & Roasted Brussel Sprouts.

Green on Gray, Lake Erie' 18"x18" oil

We stopped at a state park that’s peninsula ran out upon Lake Erie. It was overcast with a slight drizzle. It’s amazing how much light & color can be seen if one looks for it.

Bridge Over Erie Canal 24"x24" oil

We had stopped in Rochester New York, picked up a NY style pizza and headed to the Empire Trail with the pups. It runs along the Erie Canal and has many foot bridges that cross it. Here’s one that caught my attention. The green glow of the trees, the reflection in the water, the lily pads floating a top the water on an overcast day of grey.

Beacon 30"x30" oil

The Pilgrims Monument, was erected in Provincetown MA. a reminder of our early roots, our history, the intention, the reality, its cost. Today it stands as a beacon of hope and a safe haven for people of belief systems of diversity, acceptance & respect, from here & around the world.

Potted Sunflowers 36"x36" oil

A live potted plant, sunflowers in this case, in my backyard, was the inspiration for this piece.

'Overlook' 24"x34" oil

You take me to the beach, so let me take you there too.

Georgia On My Mind 12”x20” oil

A walk in the woods where a stream with falls runs through it if fall. So much to see, think and experience on a nature walk

Good Morning 30"x30" oil

Flagler Beach, A little place along the Atlantic coast. Another person enjoying the view told us, that just the day before he watched a North Atlantic Right Whale, mother and calf, play in feed in these waters, for 45 minutes or so.

New Day 30"x30" oil

While in Key West I recorded the sunset from Mallory Square, one evening. When I got back home, I got out a #30” canvas and went to work. It was difficult to decide which colors to lay down as they changed rapidly over 20 minutes or so. I ended up blending a transition between the more cool and warm tones. Here is the results.

Sun, Moon & Pier 40"x16" oil

When we arrived in the early evening, before sundown, the moon hung over the Atlantic & when we left the sun had began to rise over it. I had taken several photos and videos of each event as they happened, then blended them together on a single canvas as I experienced them. I’m so grateful, for every day I’m given.

My Blue Heaven 40"x16" oil

When you wake up at 4:30am with a title in your head, you say…I know what that looks like…and paint it.

SOLD/Donation, Stand With Ukraine 16"x40" oil

At the bottom in green, is a map of the country of Ukraine. Each of the sunflowers within it, symbolize the Ukranian people in the areas that are being heavily bombed. The area with the most sunflowers is the capital city of Kyiv, that has taken some of the heaviest shelling, and where an artist friend was in hospital when it all began. He has been fighting for his life since. The single sunflower symbolizes Volodymyr Zelenskyy, its most brave & courageous president, standing his ground and leading his people.

It will be available at Proud Fox Gallery & Frame Shop, where a dozen or so of its artists will be making a stand and offering their artworks as support of the Ukraine. Proceeds from the fundraising event, will be donated to UNICEF USA, Children's Campaign.

Dawn 24"x24" oil

Kick off your shoes, walk down to the beach and watch the sunrise, paint it if you can.

Twilight, 24"x24" oil

The period of the evening when twilight takes place, between daylight and darkness. The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun's rays from the atmosphere

‘Shoreline Seagull & Sand Pipers’ 30"x30” oil

The serenity of the beach, the quiet sounds of the waves rolling in as the birds, seagull & sand piper alike , spend their time looking for breakfast.

'Great Blue Heron' 40"x30" oil

I love painting the colors of a partly cloudy overcast day. It’s amazing the colors that display & make themselves known, when you search for the light. We stopped in Erie PA. and headed for the Presque Isle State Park, on Lake Erie, and went walking about the peninsula in the slightest drizzle. I took lots of photo references, the one that got away had a Great Blue Heron in it. Back at home I took a photo of a local one and added it to the painting.

‘Flight & Light’ 24”x24” oil

5 pelicans fly in formation, high above the sea but not far from land in search of breakfast, I’m sure.

Chicago Theater-Sold Out 22"x28" oil

We had went to see Carol Burnett at the Chicago Theater, a fantastic show. As 3500 people, including ourselves poured out of the Sold Out show, I took a couple photos to reference for this painting.

Endowment `The Paths Ahead 22"x28" oil

One of my nieces recently graduated from college and has set a course This image of her riding a horse in her new home in Georgia best captures both her confidence & bliss. Here’s my translation into paint.

The Visible 16"x40" oil

There’s things we see & other we do not, sometimes even when we’re right on top of them. This ariel view of a a boat floating on the water with a whale just beneath was to convey that notion. There is a Polynesian saying:

'Standing on a whale, fishing for minnows.'

‘Race Point Lighthouse’ 48”x36” oil

This scenic little spot is at the end of Cape Cod...the view from Herring Cove beach to Race Point.

Rooftops of Ptown 30"x30" oil

I walked up the Pilgrims Monument to get an aerial view of the harbor & town from above. As I have a fear of heights, it was somewhat of a challenge to walk up the 252-foot-7+1⁄2-inch-tall

stairway and then look out the windows below. But I did it and it was good! Here's what I saw...

Bohemia 40"x40" oil

I first visited Provincetown Massachusetts about 10 years ago and discovered among other things it had a huge art community. I took lots of photos of the artists painting in the Dunes that overlook Herring Cove. I too have painted, written and been inspired by the area and people, as well. Since that first visit I've learned that Artists, writers, poets and actors have been flocking there since the early 1900's. The creative minds of Charles Hawthorne, Hans Hoffman, Robert Motherwell, Eugen O'Neil, ersenst Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, Franz Kline, Jackson Pollock, Anthony Perkins, de Kooning, Rothko, Tennessee Williams, Edward Hopper, E.E. Cummings, Max Ernst, Norman Mailer, my guy Kurt Vonnegut & the list goes on and on, Bohemia, where the creative thinking types have been hanging out for over 100 years.

Three of a Kind 28"x22" oil

We have a pond behind our home where these three Sandhill Cranes hangout. I've been thinking about painting them, again, for weeks, today, it is done. .I am so grateful to be able to observe & live side by side with these sentient creatures...this morning I acknowledged out loud that the parents always flank the chicks, not only for protection, but love.

‘It’s a Long, Long Road’ 24”x24” oil

Inspired by this lyric~… The road is long

With many a winding turn

That leads us to who knows where, who knows where

But I'm strong

Strong enough to carry him

He ain't heavy, he's my brother ~The Hollies

‘Nature, Lightness & Being’ 30”X30” oil

The intense Cape Cod light in fall, beans across the beach at Race Point…the people and a single seagull are in shadow, a silhouette.

Lily Lake 40"x20" oil

My morning is a visual orchestration of color vibrations & this is my spectrum…yet I wonder if we’re on the same frequency…See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.

SOLD ‘The Majestic’ 30”x24” oil

An artist friend posted a photo of him peering over the Glenn Ellis falls in Jackson NH., I knew I had to paint it, translate it into my language. We had driven to Mt. Washington and the surrounding areas ,on our way back from Acadia in Maine, many years ago, but hadn’t painted the area yet.

‘Misty Meadow’ 30”x24” oil

The fog rises at the break of dawn, the light is diffuse, but the colors burst forth setting the stage for a few end of the season sunflowers.

Serenity 30"x30" oil

Here's an example of subtle simplicity, expressing a misty fall morning, with boats on the water and a fog rising.

SOLD ‘Rainy Day Chicago’ 24”x30” oil

I love Chicago & the Land of Lincoln, I grew up a fifteen minute drive from downtown Chicago & we visited it often for events, such & the like…I still do regularly, even though we’ve moved, a bit further out into the burbs & country. The cultural diverseness and the arts has always beckoned me there, my 2nd home. This piece came together as more of a statement, ‘Along with the sunshineThere's gotta be a little rain sometime.’ Our lives are mostly a view, a perspective, an attitude & choices, so grateful to be here for all of it.

Great Blue Heron 24"x30" oil

What a beautiful creature. One joined us at the pond, along with the Sandhill Cranes & and a Snowy Egret, this past summer, but this GBH was on the Fox River, near our home.

‘Cliffs at Highland Light’ 30”x30” oil

One one the oldest lighthouses on Cape Cod, in the country, is situated on this property, initially commissioned by George Washington, 1797, the original structure has been rebuilt and moved back 500 hundred feet from the 125 foot tall cliff it currently sits on .

‘MACK’s a 1st Snow’ 24”x24” oil

see website blog Art, Nature & Soul #70

Contemplation & the Seer' 24"x 20" oil

A man and his dog walk the Breakwater unto the Atlantic. It’s extremely windy day and they’re about 2/3 the way out, at low tide, so they stop and look upon Ptown & the Pilgrims Monument off in the distance and what a view it is.

'Breakfast's Ready' 24"x20" oil

A boy, his dog & pup awake for another day as superhero’s, but breakfast first.

‘The Paramount Theater’ 20”x24” oil

Most recently we saw a fantastic production of “Sound of Music” there, but we’ve also seen Grease, Tim Conway & Olivia Newton-John there, to mention a few. A great suburban venue.

‘Beacon’ 30”x30” oil

One of our favorite haunts out east. Center of Ptown, stands this symbol, a sentry, a tower, a monument, a beacon of liberty & equality.

‘The Walk’ 30”x24” oil

We were driving through quaint village of Wayne, Il. last Sunday on our way back from the Art Institute when off to the south I spied 2 riders and a walker in the field, off in the distance. I quickly grabbed my cell and I got a couple photo references. Here’s my painterly impression.

'Within Reach' 24"x24" oil

When we were in St. Augustine Florida in 2020, I painted these 3 , kicking back on the beach, people-watching. Well, watchers are also watched on a beach. I took lots of references for future paintings while we were there, as I always do. I recently shuffled through and found this one and gave it a go, in paint, on canvas.

Salt Shed, Chicago 24"x18" oil

A new indoor music venue that we had to check out. Iggy Pop at The Salt Shed, March 10, 2023…absolutely phenomenal…

The Bean, Chicago 24"x18" oil

We were on our way home after seeing 'The Life & Deaths of Alan Turing' at the Harris Theater. A clear blue sky, I captured the photo of Millennium Park as we drove past. I felt it a really goof photo and thought I'd paint it, although I feel the subject really lends itself to a more illustrative approach or maybe the photo was enough.

Summer Beach Party 36"x24" oil

Marconi Beach on Cape Cod was the inspiration for this piece and yet it can be almost any beach , so lay down in the sand & make yours

Little Rascal 24"x18' oil

It’s not often I scrape off the paint. But this started as an elaborate interior scene that went all wrong. After scrapping it off I tried to turn it into an abstract on grey background. Still not happy with the results, I then ran across this photo reference, a FB friend had posted of a raccoon sitting in the bottom of a garbage dumpster. Knowing I had a great color for the background I sat out building & scraping together with palette knives a heavy impasto rendition of this little rascal.

Welcome to Provincetown 30"x30" oil

I captured a photo reference from a cliff that overlooks the road entering Ptown. I wanted to capture the faltering light & the glow of the color on its surroundings. Where all things are possible, my happy place and the lights incredible, taboot, even as it dims.

‘Springtime Park Dweller’ 12”x24” oil

A nearby park

‘Summer Blossoms’ 12”x24” oil

The potted sunflowers on the table in my backyard provided thisinspiration.

‘Light on an Overcast Day’ 12”x24” oil

It's amazing the color that shows it self even on a grey day if you're looking..

A separate Peace 30"x40" oil on canvas

Inspired from a FB friends photo. For more info on this piece refer to Art, Nature & Soul #77 on my blog page.

‘River Light’ 24”x18” oil

Along the Fox River , here in the far western suburbs, is a lighthouse that sits on the banks, as a bit of humor to warn any sea going ships that ‘lands ho’…there’s also a windmill off in the distance, as well as a Japanese garden within walking distance. In any case the view is wonderful and the occasional Great Blue Heron swoops down and glides across the water too.

SOLD ‘On the Fox’ 18”x24” oil

There’s all sorts of parks and forest preserves around us, a dozen or so, that we walk and hang with the pups at. Here’s a little spot in Geneva along the river called, Bennett Park, we’re apt to picnic lunch it, here.

‘The Aragon’ 12”x24” oil

One of the many venues in Chicago. On my top 5 list. The Aragon Ballroom or Brallroom as it’s been nicknames over the past few decades.

‘Eisenhower to Chicago’ 24”x20” oil

We were headed downtown when I saw these billowy clouds hovering over the city. I said Don quick take a photo, but he didn’t, so I had to paint it while driving in….ha, ha, just kidding 🙃 Growing up I lived in the burbs, about 16 miles out you could see the city on a clear day. That’s how flat Illinois is … lol

‘Calypso’ 24”x20” oil

I’ve always wanted to learn to sail. Here’s what it might have looked like had I in my teens.

‘Good Morning America’ 24”x20” oil

This time of year the light shifts & lowers as it , with ever changing color, sweeps across the tops of the forests & meadows in this sleepy little town.

Sirens, Harpies & the Maiden of Nauset Beach 24"x24" oil

On our way off the Cape, we've got in the habit of stopping off at Nauset Beach in the morning. About 7 years ago we happened upon an older woman, mid to late 70's I'd say, sitting on a massive rock at shoreline before the tide rolled in. I painted her as such. A triple nor'easter wipe out the cliff and it had to be modified and redesigned. A year or 2 later I saw her again there, only she was walking up the new path up to one of the over hang to the cliffs. I painted her then too. We haven't seen her there since covid. This year we again stopped, it was early morning with grey skies and a light drizzle. We stayed at the top of the cliffs that overlook the beach, tide was in and beach mostly covered in water, as a storm, hurricane watch was in effect. As I watched I looked over to the homes a top the taller cliffs. I imagined she stood a top the cliff looking out on this world, this day. Here's my vision shared & homage to that woman of Nauset Beach.

‘Schooner Out of Ptown’ 30”x24” oil

We were headed out on whale watch when I spotted this scene developing, as a sailing craft headed out of the harbor, leaving Ptown in the horizon, featuring the Pilgrim Monument center.

‘One of the Boys’ 24”x24” oil

A FB friend was in the Caymans with his Bois and posted a photo at the beach. I took it translated it into my language.

‘An Early Frost’ 24”x20” oil

The fall, when the angles of the light begins to change, creates a wonderful opportunity for capturing a wonderful color display, such was the case in this scene.

CHITOWN 18"cx24" oil

One of my most favorite venues in Chicago, the Chicago Theater. I recently met someone who used to determine the placement of cell towers. He took a photo from the roof top of the Chicago Theater. Here's my translation.

‘Midwest Sunset’ 18”x24” oil

The seasonal changes in the flora and fauna at a place I frequent on a weekly basis. The light and color at this time of year just twinkle and glow with the angle of the sun.

‘Christmas Carol at the Goodman’ 12”x24” oil

2023 was the year we went downtown to the Goodman Theater to see Charles Dickens, ‘A Christmas Carol’. I photo captured a scene modified it to my vision and translated it into a wonderland of paint & canvas image.

‘All Are Welcome, U.U. Geneva’ 24”x18” oil

I discovered this sanctuary, about 30 years ago. At the time Lindsey Bates was the minister. She was featured in a documentary film called 'A Secret Love'. Here's the, OUR MISSION STATEMENT

The Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva is a diverse, welcoming community which endeavors to make its Covenant a living reality. We provide religious education and opportunities for spiritual growth. We encourage individual and mutual responsibility as together we work to be a liberal religious voice in the community and a force for compassionate social justice.

Long Point Light 10"x10" oil

There’s several lighthouses on Cape Cod, Here’s one you can reach on a nice hike.

‘A Frosty Morn’ 24”x18” oil

This is the park, near my home, I walk daily. Even on the greyest, foggiest & frostiest days, the colors are there, if you really look and seek the light.

Cliffs at Nauset Beach 10"x10" oil

An area off Cape Cod we frequent, usually on our way back. I’ve done several paintings off the area, as it has some unique qualities I adore.

‘Winter Glow’ 12”x24” oil

This is the area the pups and I walked out to this morning, so I could get a photo reference to paint. I softened the glow of the light to create a vibrating halo effect. It’s winter miles west of Chicago, here in the midwest January, .

‘Sublimation in Blue’ 24” x18” oil

An FB friend posted a photo of the water evaporating off Lake Michigan in Chicago, over the past few days of - degrees. It was an awesome photo of the water, snow, ice & clouds that I decided to translate in to paint.

‘Golden Hour’ 24”x12” oil

This is near the entrance of the park I walk daily. In the morning the suns behinds us, but in the evening we can watch the sun go down. Sun up and sun down, it’s a day in the life.

‘Winter Thaw’ 20”x24” oil

I love to search out & find the color, even on the grayest of days.

‘Nocturne: 875 North Michigan Avenue’ 30”x30” mixed media on canvas

I was in downtown Chicago, about a month and a half ago, one evening. This is what I saw and how I see. It was breathing, alive & happening.

A Dog's Life 24"x24" mised media

I took this quick pic of a friends/ clients / collectors pup and decided to give it the Sperry treatment, 😀so fun

SOLD Chicago Shakespeare Theater 12”x24” oil

It felt as though we had just witnessed an emerging new form of art expression here last weekend when we saw Sufjan Stevens “Illinoise” performed.

‘Red Roof’ 20”x24” oil

With yesterdays 74 degree high in February, I felt inspired to paint a midwest summer. Whatever will come out of me now,with 50 degree drop in temperature in less than 12 hours?🙂Stay tuned 2-28-24

‘As Above As Below’ 30”x30” oil

St. Augustine Beach, Florida 2024 during spring break. The tides high so the beach is covered in beach goers and land, water, sky and the people all become one.

‘Back to the Beach’ 24”x20” oil

It’s St. Augustine Beach, Fl. and we ran out to the beach to watch the sunrise on a grey day just before we haeded back to Illinois.

‘Boys on the Rocks 1’ 40”x30” oil

We found this oasis at Fort Zachary Taylor, at the corner where the fort and picnic beach areas merge. My first thought was Henry Tuke Scott, I have to paint this. Working title, "Boys on the Rocks, Make Mine a Double" haha

‘River Mist’ 24”x36” oil

This is one of the many many parks we hop around to with the pups. It's Bennet Park, Geneva Il. looking north down the Fox River. This past winter 2024.

‘Irises & Yellow Cress” 30”x30” mixed media

Sometimes you need go no further than your front yard. Such is the case here, painting and waiting for the irises to be in full blossom.

'Salt Shed Presents The Decemberist’s’ 12”x24” oil

It was out 5th time seeing the Decemberists live, another live streaming & our 3rd time at the Salt Shed since it opened in 2023. Live music is an awesome thing.

Aragon After Midnight 12"x24" oil

We had been at the Aragon Ballroom twice in June 2024 in about 4 day timeframe. Once to See Jacob Collier, then to see Orville Pech, both fantastic high enbergy concerts. Here's my homage to those expreoiences.

‘River Bend Park’ 20”x24” oil

The Illinois prairie wildflowers are blooming like crazy lush this year, here at the park We walk daily.

‘Serenity’ 30”x 30” oil

A meditation on peace, love & light.

Moomage Daydream 24"X20" OIL

I had wanted to paint a nocturne and the field across the street provided ample inspiration for this piece.

Fox River View 12"x24" oil

A friend took a photo of a Bald Eagle perched overlooking the Fox River, so I decided top translate it into paint.

Art Institute Chicago, 24"x36" mixed media

One of my most favorite places in Chicago. I am inspired.

Endownment~Go Fish 20"x20" oil

My eldest neieces 3 children provided ample inspiration for this blissful summer day and those childhood memories.

Back To The Beach, 20"x20" oil

I love watching the sunrise & set upon the waters horizon line. The vastness of the plain and the amazong colors are uniqur everytime, beyond the immense serenity of the moment, it also provides me with a hush as I ponder the awe & wonder of being.

Millie, Mather & the London Guarantee 24"x36" mixed media

check out my blog Art, Nature & Soul #90 for the backgroud story on this piece/

‘Chicago Harbor Light’ 20”x20” oil

We had went on a boat tour of Chicago, when I got this photo capture. One I had decided to translate into paint. On Lake Michigan both a beautiful & treacherous body of water.

‘Thy Neighbor’ 9”x12” oil

Watch for an upcoming post & blog for the backstory on this piece, Art, Nature & sSoul #91

Soutbound Michigan Ave. 20"x20" oil

I had painted a northbound in front of the Art Institute Chicago in June. The lion bronzes had been cleaned up over the last year or so and it seemed they were posing for me, so a southbound on Michigan Ave. was needed as well.

The Hancock 30"x30" mixed media

The John Hancock Building with the ferris wheel in the foreground on Navy Pier as observed from a boat on Lake Michigan provided ample inspiration for this piece.

The Canteen 20”x20” oil

A great little place with a view, to stop for a lobster roll, some fried pickles and a beer, even on a grey day, out in Ptown & thats MacMillan Warf in the distance.

Pecos Ruin 20”x20” oil

A bit of Spanish & Peublo history ourtside of Santa Fe. One day I set up and painted it. There were "Danger Rattlesnake" signs thoughout. I suspect they were more to keep people from removing the structure, but you do never know, do you?

‘Nambe’ Waterfall’ 20”x20” oil

One of the natural areas we visited while in Santa Fe NM. It was a more rugged climb then anticipated and I had decided on going full contemporary impressionist with the translation into paint.

‘Cliffs at Nambe’ 30”x30” oil

This is one of several places we hiked while in the Santa Fe New Mexico area 2024. I had painted the Nambe Falls while there and this piece in the home studio. Whether or not I'm plein air painting I strive for a more direct approach with a sense of urgency.

The Pond 20"x20" oil

The pond behind my home provides a lot of inspiration. I sometimes wish that it faced the pond and that I had a balcony that overlooked it. Then I’d paint it more regularly in a Monet succession of seasons.

SOLD ‘Nevermore’ 30”x30” oil

Between a conversation with a birder in Santa Fe NM regarding the honored Raven, a trip down Canyon Road through the art galleries, the approach of October & the harvest, & my long love of the Raven or Crow spurred my inspirarion to create this fusion of thought and ideas, allowing the abstraction of filtering light. The title is of course a reference to Poe and his poem, The Raven.

‘Light & Color When Darkness Falls’ 20”x20” oil

I was out doing my morning walk with the pups, trying to decide on what t o paint. I had just been to the Copernicus Center to see a concert, took some photos. Post election I looked around at this gloomy grey rainy day and thought, Paint it. so I did. Then thought, “I always like walking in the rain. so nobody can see me crying.” Charlie Chaplan

SOLD Mediations on Hope’ 30”x30” oil

About a decade ago, I was out on one of my first Cape Cod adventures. Early one morning we were packing up and getting ready to head back home. We walked out to the beach to say our good byes to the ocean and it was covered in a dense fog. I got my camera and took about 20 photos. When I got home I began a series of paintings entitled meditations. I painted about a dozen pieces, had several exhibits around the Chicago area in which many were included. Most have sold over the years. This morning I ran across the photos I took and was inspired once again. The vibe is a bit different than the first ones and I hope you enjoy this one’s too.

Reaching for the Sky 12"x24" oil

An overcast day as we near the forest preserve on a mid fall day provided the inspiration for this piece. A flicker of color & light.

Fall Paths’ 12”x24” oil

Pratt Wayne Woods in Wayne Il. one of our spring /fall haunts, makes for an inspirational place to paint.

Big Sur 24"x24" oil

One of my nieces was at Big Sur and one of the photos inspired me to translate it into paint and emotion.

SOLD Arcada Theater 12"x24" oil

It’s a live music venue we go to at least once a year, sometimes more. Most recently it was a blast from the past to see Tommy James & The Shondells.

Last Colors 12”x24” oil

The park I walk with the pups everyday, provides an wealth of inspiration all year round.

‘Windmills in My Mind’ 24”x24” oil

A recent visit to Mt. Emblem Cemetery inspired this piece. This was considered the most beautiful cemetery in Illinois when I was growing up. It has a wonderful English Tudor building & Windmill that surrounded be wonderfully sculpted hedges overlooks the pond that once had a mated pair of swans in it overseeing the beautifully landscaped grounds.

‘Snowbirds’ 12”x24” oil

Here’s the Sandhills Cranes in the winter pond behind my home.

Freedom 24"x24" oil

5 pelican fly above the Atlantic ocean and nothing seems freeing.

‘Morrissey-SOLD OUT-The Genesee Theater , 24”x24” oil

After several try’s we finally saw Morrissey perform t the Genesee Theater. He was as expected, awesome. Here’s my take on the theater and marquee.

‘Green River, Downtown Chicago’ 24”x24” oil

Over the summer 2024 I had taken a Chicago River architectural tour and took lots of photo captures for references for potential paintings. On this day I couldn’t decide between representational or abstract when a got ready to paint. I had a palette in mind and here’s what happened.

'Pan of Arcadia' 30"x30" oil

Inspired by current events, a personal happening, followed by a great read “sacred Disobedience” by Sharon L. Coogan and a call of the wild.

‘Last Snow’ 24”x30” oil

The park I walk daily with the pups provides year round inspiration. The overcast and morning breakthrough light with its shades of blue really did it for me on this occasion.

‘Chicago’ 30”x30” oil

A favorite view of mine, from Lake Michigan To Chicago skyline, flanked by the Sears (Willis) Tower and John Hancock, with so many of the newer buildings and skyscrapers as seen the summer of 2024, with the Vista Tower front and center, formerly known as St. Regis

‘The Nederlander’ 12”x24” oil

We were over at the Goodman Theater to see the play “Betrayal” and do dinner at Petteroni’s when I the Marquee and captured a photo to work from.

It was The Oriental Theater, then The Ford Theater of the Performing Arts, as of 2019, it’s The Nederlander…I’ve seen many great plays there, America Idiot was a favorite, it was an updated variation of Hair, but brought to you by Green Day.

show thumbnails